Werewolf: A World at War Novel (World at War Online Book 4)

Werewolf: A World at War Novel (World at War Online Book 4) Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Werewolf: A World at War Novel (World at War Online Book 4) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mitchell T. Jacobs
exoskeletons up north without really risking them.”
    “It'll have to stay here,” Zach said. “That might not be the worst thing, either. It'll give Knight Battalion extra firepower, and it might help convince Ragnarok that we're still here.”
    “Alright,” Nora replied, though she didn't sound very enthused.
    She had spent so much time away from Black Wolf Company, and now that they were going on another adventure she was being left behind again. Zach wondered if that was influencing her feelings on the matter.
    “We'll figure out some way to get you guys into the north,” Zach said to reassure her.
    Nora replied with a slight smile. “Thanks, but I'm not convinced that you'll be able to do that. And unfortunately, that's the way things are going to have to be. We can't risk losing one of the suits if one of the transports gets sunk or shot down.”
    It made sense. The exoskeletons were one of their most valuable resources, and they had no way to replace any losses. If they were caught in the north there was no way to run and hide, and that assumed they reached their base intact. Like Nora, Zach was very leery of them losing a transport. Leaving Hoplite Platoon in the south was the right decision, for the reasons he stated, and they all knew it.
    But still, Zach couldn't help feeling a pang in his gut when he thought about it. Nora was part of Black Wolf. She should be with them when they were embarking on another one of their great adventures.

    Every Rose
    “Gah!” Danny exclaimed as the water splashed over him. Lake Michigan was cold today, and the wind whipping by the speeding boat didn't help matters.
    “No kidding,” Xavier commented from beside him. Everyone on the boat was drenched.
    “Couldn't we slow down just a little?” Danny asked over the radio.
    “I don't want to risk getting caught out in the open by Ragnarok aircraft,” Eli replied. He had command of the entire boat section, crewed by Raven Company members.
    “OK, I can see the logic in that,” Danny replied begrudgingly. They certainly couldn't risk being spotted, even if they were so far in the north. Their entire plan was doomed from the start if they lost the element of surprise.
    “So... we're going pretty far down the bay,” Xavier commented from beside him. “What's our gameplan?”
    Zach had assigned Bravo Wolf to scout the area around Green Bay in order to prepare for the initial assault on the city. Other than secrecy, Danny hadn't been given any specific orders. The parameters of the mission were up to him.
    “There's a small settlement where Sturgeon Bay would be in the real world,” Danny explained. “Nothing more than a small outpost, really. I'm thinking that we can take that to use as a forward base. That could give Raven a safe area to arm and fuel their choppers and river craft.”
    “Plus that gives us a place to stockpile supplies for the attack,” Xavier added. “Still, that's a tough assignment, going in with no preparation.”
    “It's an outpost,” Danny said. “You're in Black Wolf. We took one on the first day with four people. We'll be fine with one platoon.”
    “Right.” Xavier looked back out over the water. “Green Bay concerns me a lot more.”
    “How come?”
    Xavier looked right back at him. “The city is split in half by a river, which might mean there's two districts. And a single battalion against an entire city, even a small one? That's going to be a tall order, especially since we're not going to have any armor support.”
    “Not much different from the Decatur district attack,” Danny said lightly.
    “Yeah, except we had Sacred Sword with us last time. Not having those numbers is going to hurt us a lot.”
    “We'll come up with something,” Danny said reassuringly, though in truth he was also concerned. “We always do.”
    Xavier shrugged. “Right. But do we really need to take the city? Why not just take Sturgeon Bay and use that as our forward
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