going to get them all killed.
And how the heck had these people seen them? That question was what truly bothered him.
“Again, what are you doing here?”
Danny took a deep breath. “Look, there seems to be a big misunderstanding here. Can we all lower our guns and talk this out before we all kill each other?”
“Not until I hear why you showed up to this place,” she replied, edging closer. “And are you Ragnarok?”
Danny shifted his stance so she could see the unit patch on his shoulder. “Does it look like we're with Ragnarok?”
“What's Hydra doing this far north?” he heard one of the others mutter in the back of their ranks.
Their leader looked back with a fierce glare, then turned that gaze back onto him. “That still doesn't explain why you're here.”
“Long story short, we're trying to deal with Ragnarok,” Danny said. “I might be convinced to fill you in on the rest if you lower your guns.”
He saw the ghost of a smirk flicker across her face. “You're not exactly in the best position to ask that.”
“You haven't looked out in the bay, have you?” Danny commented.
Confusion flickered across her face. “What..?” Then she turned away. It looked like someone was signaling her on the radio.
Danny quickly activated his own. “Eli, hold fire for now. We've had some developments. Murder everything if the shooting starts though.”
“Copy that,” Eli said. “I really don't want to know what you've gotten yourselves into, do I?”
“Probably not,” Danny replied, with a smile.
The leader had finished her conversion and turned back to him, clearly unhappy. “OK, you've made your point. Call off your guys, and we'll lower our weapons.”
“Already did,” Danny informed her. “They have orders to attack if they hear shooting, though.”
“Fine. What do you want?”
“Just to talk,” Danny said. “Somewhere alone, preferably. I'll let you keep my troops under guard, and I'll even surrender my weapons.”
She sighed and made a hand signal. “Fine, but this had better be good.”
“No kidding,” Danny responded when he heard the explanation.
“It's true,” Evy replied. Danny had managed to ferret her name out through conversation.
“Very true,” Lex added. He had been inside the outpost when they had arrived, and his reception of Danny had been much warmed.
Danny rubbed his chin. “Well, this changes everything.”
Hydra command had assumed that the Sturgeon Bay outpost was held by NPCs, but they were dead wrong. Instead, there were two player companies based here, and they were sizable, with over one hundred members between them.
Evy lead Thorn Company, the troops that had confronted them outside. Lex was the commander of Myrmidon Company, who were on duty guarding the walls of the outpost. Like many others, they had been driven into hiding by Ragnarok, forced to cower behind their stronghold walls to avoid being crushed. Danny had encountered companies like this before; Spectre Company was one that Hydra bailed out of trouble.
“So you want Green Bay,” Danny said. “That's a tall order, for a group your size.”
“We know,” Lex agreed. “But we had to try something, before we're finished.”
“Just how bad is it?” Danny asked.
Lex sighed and started to pace. “Pretty bad, actually. We're trapped up here. We have no way to get to Old Chicago, and that means were completely reliant on smuggling though Ragnarok territory for supplies.”
“That doesn't seem like its tenable,” Danny commented.
Evy shook her head. “It really isn't. We've taken to ambushing Ragnarok patrols and striping them of ammunition. And still, that's not enough. We probably would have been slaughtered if you forced us into a firefight.”
“So you want Green Bay, but you don't even have enough ammunition to take on a small platoon?” Danny asked. “How have you managed to survive this long?”
“They don't know we're up here,” Lex told