The Broken Key (02) - Hunter of the Horde

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Book: The Broken Key (02) - Hunter of the Horde Read Online Free PDF
Author: Brian S. Pratt
that,” said the Drillmaster. “A warrior without honor is nothing.
    A warrior who hurts the helpless is nothing. A warrior who breaks his oath is lower than the belly of a snake. Such must be sought out and destroyed!” The punishments for breaking the various codes were supposed to be carried out by other Guild members whenever they discovered the infraction. Though Riyan doubted if they were enforced all that stringently, rather being a measure through which they could gauge themselves.
    The Drillmaster was a very intimidating looking man. Standing six foot three, his bald head overshadowed all of the Recruits. His body showed dozens of scars received from battles he’s fought and survived.
    They continued holding their swords at the ready for another ten minutes, all the while shouting out various Codes the Drillmaster requested. By this time, the Recruits have the first twenty Codes of the Warrior memorized. That was all that is required of them at this stage.
    After their ten minutes was over, they were broken into various groups that begun working at different drills. They rotated through them at half hour intervals for the rest of the day. While they were working at drills such as striking logs or hitting mock opponents, they used their ugly, fat swords. During the times when they were faced off against an opponent, they used wooden swords that only left bruises.
    Other men came during their drills and assisted the Drillmaster in showing them various techniques used when wielding a sword. One of the first things they were taught was the proper way to grip the sword. Riyan remembered that day well.
    They had lined up in their rows as they do every day when beginning drills. The Drillmaster came and had them get their fat-uglies, which was what they grew to call the ugly swords they trained with.
    It was the first day and Riyan had gone to get his and returned with it to his spot. He had it in hand and was waving it around like he was some fighter. Big mistake. The Drillmaster had seen him and walked straight towards him. When Riyan realized that he was heading in his direction he ceased what he was doing and grew still.
    “Hold your sword like you plan to use it,” the Drillmaster told him.
    Riyan held the sword outward with the point pointed slightly up.
    “Are you ready?” asked the Drillmaster.
    By this time every Recruit had grown quiet and watched the events unfold. Riyan licked his lips and nodded. Before he could even react, the Drillmaster’s sword struck the sword from his hand.
    Around him, Riyan heard other Recruits gasp at the speed with which the attack came. Pain flared in his hand and his thumb was slightly cocked to the side. He thought it was broken.
    “The first thing you will learn,” the Drillmaster said loud enough for all to hear, “is how to hold your sword.” He came forward and took Riyan’s injured hand. After a quick inspection, he gripped the hand firmly in one hand and with the other, twisted the thumb back in place quickly.
    Riyan cried out from the pain the maneuver inflicted, but it went away quickly. He flexed his thumb, amazed that it worked.
    The Drillmaster backed up a step and indicated with a flick of his head for Riyan to retrieve his sword. As he went to do that, the Drillmaster said, “Holding your sword improperly in battle will cause it to be knocked out of your hand.” Then with a glance to Riyan he added, “And possibly dislocate or break your thumb in the process.” After that day, they all knew the proper technique for holding a sword.
    Riyan and Chad often sparred together while one of the swordsmen watched and gave them pointers. Other times, the swordsman would instruct them one on one. Times such as those tended to leave a patchwork of bruises on them.
    Their day was divided between practical instruction in the sword, building up their strength and endurance, and also in what it means to be a member of the Warrior’s Guild.
    It started an hour after
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