and stomachs rumbling. When it was 11:30am sharp, Stewey walked in.
"You have an hour for lunch," he told the group.
"Excuse me, sir?" Paulina asked with a raised hand. "Would it be possible if I get something to drink from the vending machine?"
"Yeah, I didn't bring any lunch," Roxy said. "Maybe I could get some food...?"
"Why wouldn't you bring any lunch?" Asher asked, leaning back in his chair, balancing it on two legs once again.
Roxy turned around to glare at him. "I thought it would be provided," she replied.
Asher let a smile of disbelief cross his features before he started laughing. Sadie bit her lip and looked away, but even she couldn't keep the smile off of her face.
Chapter 5
"All right, all right ," Stewey intervened, giving Asher a glare. "You." He pointed to Edward and then gestured for him to stand next to him. "And... you." He pointed at Paulina and did the same thing. "Collect money from the others."
Sadie handed Edward a couple of bucks, requesting a water rather than any other sort of food and drink. Once Roxy and Anthony handed the two their money, Stewey took Paulina and Edward out the library.
"You wanna go somewhere?" Asher asked Sadie when the door shut, tossing his head back and surveying the girl in front of him studiously.
"Where would we go?" she asked him dryly, arching a brow.
"To my locker," he said, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. He stood then and looked at her expectantly.
Sadie glanced at Anthony and Roxy, who were both watching the exchange rather curiously. Anthony shook his head no, but Sadie was still unsure, chewing her bottom lip. She then looked back at Asher, who was grinning mischievously as though he knew the answer even before she did.
"Fine," came her curt reply.
He nodded, causing his hair to fall back into his face, and led Sadie out the back entrance of the library rather than the main entrance.
"How long do you think they'll be away?" Sadie asked, crossing her arms over her chest, following Asher as her eyes darted back and forth.
Asher shrugged nonchalantly. "I dunno," he replied, and then glanced down at her with that grin of his. "You've never really broken the rules, have you princess?" he asked her, his brows perked with the knowledge but wanting to hear her say it anyways. She opened her mouth to refute his claim, but decided against it, and looked away. Asher's grin deepened, knowing that he was right. "In fact, I bet you've never been here before. This is your first detention, isn't it?" Sadie just gave him a look, and he nodded. "So, what'd you do to get one?"
"Why do you care?" she asked him, her eyes focused on the tips of her shoes.
Again came the shrug of nonchalance. "Just trying to make conversation, I guess," he said, making a left and heading into the three hundred building. "I started a small fire in my physics class."
"That was you?" Sadie asked him, lifting her head to look at his profile. "I was writing an essay when the alarm went off, and we had to leave." She paused for a moment before asking, "Why'd you do that?"
"I was bored," was his reply. He stopped at a locker before looking over at Sadie expectantly. When he had opened the door and she still hadn't commented on anything, he gave a sigh of impatience. "Well?"
"Well, what?" she asked, watching him rummaging with a bunch of random and useless knick knacks that resided in his locker.
"What'd you do to get in here?" he asked again. His brown eyes lit up when he found what he was looking for. Sadie raised her brown skeptically and frowned; he dragged her out here just for a crumpled brown paper bag?
"Me and a bunch of other kids were really pissed that there isn't a Gay-Straight Alliance club at the school even though there's a Christian club," Sadie said, raking her fingers through her hair. "We kept pestering Stewey but he was adamant that it would upset more people than it would benefit, so we decided to do a petition. When Tony found out, he spray