“Because that's too far out of the way,” Danny said. “Plus, Green Bay has defenses, and we're completely screwed without them if Ragnarok finds us.”
“OK, that's a good point. Still, this is going to be pretty tough.”
“Like I said, we can pull it off,” Danny said. He opened up his wrist menu and checked the map. They were getting close.
Danny contacted Ryan and Javy's squads in the other boats. “OK, we're about five minutes out from the target area. We'll offload just to the north of the outpost, then push down in a single sweep. Javy, cover the left flank and loop around to the east side of the outpost if they give you an opening.”
“Copy that,” came the response.
“Boat crews, give us cover from the water,” he added in.
“Will do,” Eli told him.
That was one advantage, fighting so close to the shore. Their river craft could provide formidable support, laying down a hail of minigun, machine gun and recoilless rifle fire on anything that tried to move. That would be their ace in the hole for the battle.
Danny checked his machine gun as their small flotilla approached the shore. Given the small size of his force, it was very likely that he would become involved in the battle. Not that it bothered him, because Danny relished the opportunity to utilize his skills as a heavy.
“Go,” he ordered as their boats motored up to the shore.
Bravo Wolf quickly dismounted and faded into the trees bordering the lake. Danny was quick to note that the forest in these parts wasn't nearly as thick as the ones in the south. That might make their stealth work harder if a similar situation existed around Green Bay.
Black Wolf Company didn't have to rely on stealth, however. They were a fighting company as well, and Danny knew they were fully capable of engaging in the worst brawls and coming out on top. Stealth was merely one tool at their disposal.
It was an extremely useful tool, though, and Danny wasn't about to toss it aside if he didn't have to. A fight always went better when they had the element of surprise.
Bravo Wolf crept south through the forest, weapons at the ready. Trouble could show up at any moment. There was no tension or apprehension in the air, though. Bravo Wolf was alert, focused, but not nervous. And that was what made them such a tough opponent for their enemies. Confident, savvy troops were extremely hard to rattle, even when things had turned against them. It allowed them to come up with plans on the fly when everything was going to pieces.
It was that confidence, that unit cohesion that had won them so many battles. And Danny had no doubt that it would win them this one, if it came to that.
But then their plan went to pieces.
Dozens of gun muzzles emerged from the brush pointed straight at them. Danny almost dropped his weapon in shock. Outside of Redd Foxx and a few others, no one was capable of tracking the rangers when they were sneaking. How had they been discovered?
Danny started to raise his gun and waited for the hail of bullets to cut his platoon down, but they didn't come. Confused, he took a closer look at the enemy confronting them.
All of them wore forest camouflage, augmented by grass, leaves and brush. Most were wearing facemasks, and the ones that weren't had facepaint. And most curious of all, they hadn't opened fire yet.
“Don't move,” someone said from the other side.
Danny watched as a female engineer emerged from the ranks of their opponents. She was of average height and build, though most of her distinguishing features were difficult to see under her camouflage. He did note that she carried a shotgun instead of a carbine.
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
“Um,” Danny started to say. He slung his weapon over his shoulder and stepped out, hands held out in front of him disarmingly.
“Are you the leader?” she asked, shifting her aim toward him.
“Yeah, that would be me,” Danny said, his mind racing. One wrong step was