demo tape!’’
“Oh, my goodness. You’re kidding?’’
“Nope. A demo tape, Tyanna. Can you believe this?’’
“Oh, my God.” Tyanna was so excited, she veered into the lane to her left. Thank God, no car was there. She recovered, then said, “He really wants to see one?’’
A million thoughts were swirling through Tyanna’s mind. “When?’’
“As soon as possible. I told him we already have one, but we’re just editing it.’’
“I didn’t want to tell him we haven’t put one together. All that means is, we’ll have to get to work right away.’’
Tyanna felt a moment of panic. “What are we going to do?’’
“Don’t worry. I’m going to call Phil. He’sdirecting a lot of music videos these days. I’m sure he can help us.’’
“Oh, that’s right. That’d be great. He could get us a camera—’’
“And even add music to the video once we’ve shot it. It doesn’t have to be the best quality, but I think we should make it as professional-looking as possible.”
“I agree. Then we send Ronnie Vaughn a video that really shows him what we can do.’’
“We could actually go to Los Angeles with the video, show him how serious we are.” Wendy paused. “I’m so excited, Tyanna. This could really be a great break for us.’’
“I know.” Tyanna was both excited and nervous as hell. This was a great opportunity. A step in the direction of a mutual dream. They couldn’t blow it.
“So anything new with you?” Wendy asked. “Anything exciting happen at the gym last night?’’
For a moment, Tyanna wondered if Wendy knew. Sometimes the two were so in tune, it scared her.
Wendy had been her best friend since fourth grade, and over the years they’d developed a kind of telepathy. Not always, but Tyanna and Wendy could often finish each other’s sentences, and one often knew what the other was thinking before she mentioned it.
When Tyanna hadn’t been able to tell her sisters all that was in her heart about Sheldon, she’d been able to tell Wendy. And Wendy, bless her heart, didn’t judge her.
Tyanna made her way into the right lane, heading for her exit off the highway. “Why do you ask, Wendy?’’
“I don’t know. Conversation.” Wendy paused. “Did it?’’
Tyanna sighed. She’d now committed herself to telling Wendy the story. “Actually, something did happen. You’re not going to believe this—I still can’t believe it—but guess who surprised me outside the gym last night?’’
“Jay,” Wendy said. “What did he do this time, show up with flowers?’’
“No, not Jay.” A few weeks ago, he had surprised Tyanna with chocolate. She’d had to sit him down and tell him that while she was flattered by his attention, she wasn’t interested in dating anyone. Since that time, he had pretty much left her alone.
“If not Jay, then who? You have another admirer?’’
Tyanna paused a moment before answering. She may as well just say it. “Sheldon.”
“What? Speak up, girl.’’
Tyanna raised her voice. “Sheldon.”
Wendy squealed. “Oh, my goodness. Sheldon! The same Sheldon—?”
“Yes, the same Sheldon.’’
“He just showed up at the gym?’’
“To surprise you.” Tyanna heard Wendy sigh happily. “What did he say?’’
Tyanna couldn’t help rolling her eyes, somewhat annoyed. Now on a city street, she quickly pulled the car into a gas station so she wouldn’t continue driving and talking. As she placed the car in park, she said, “Sorry to disappoint you, Wendy, but it wasn’t a joyous reunion. He surprised me outside the gym, with some ridiculous story as to where he’d been for a year.’’
“Wendy!” Good grief, her friend was too much of a romantic. Even though she was still looking for her Mr. Right, she hadn’t been jaded by the negative experiences she’d had.
“I’m sorry. It’s just that—you and Sheldon. You were such a great