the actual exchange,” Davis informed him.
“Why? Why wouldn’t you just do it?”
“Because some of these people know my face from previous assignments and wouldn’t trust anything I tell them if they knew it was me. We need a fresh face, someone who’s not known, someone not on the inside, someone I can trust. Someone…like you.”
“Seems like you could get someone a little more…I dunno, predisposed to this type of thing,” Turner objected.
“Ryan, all I know are agents, and spies, and terrorists, and arms dealers. They came to me and said to get someone who’s not involved in any of that. You’re the only person I know that I can trust.”
“What would I have to do exactly?”
“You meet the contact at a specific place. They give you the money. You give them the drive. Then you go your separate ways.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“I guess I could do that.”
“You’re in?” Davis excitedly asked.
“Uhh…yeah. Yeah. I guess so. Why not? How many times do you get asked to do something for your country?”
“I knew I could count on you,” Davis said, slapping Turner on the arm.
The two of them ate their burgers and continued talking about the assignment.
“So why’d you send me the drive?” Turner asked. “Shouldn’t that be kept secret?”
“I wanted you to look at it, remember what’s on it. In case you’re on a drop and someone asks you a question, you can speak on it. Know some of the terms and lingo that regular agents use. If they get suspicious and think you’re not who you say you are then it may complicate things.”
“That’s reassuring.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll always be there watching to make sure everything goes smoothly. If there’s ever a situation where it looks like it’s about to go bad I’ll jump in to protect you. Don’t worry, I got your back,” Davis told him.
“So how’s this gonna work exactly?” Turner wondered.
“Here’s a phone,” Davis said, sliding it to him on the table. “When I get word on something going down I’ll contact you on here. It’s untraceable. Nobody but me knows you have it. Keep it with you at all times.”
“OK. Not that this is a main consideration but how much money are we talking?” Turner sheepishly asked. “You know, not in general, just in terms of…well, like, what, how much would I be getting for all this?”
“Depends on how much the sale is for. You’ll get a cut of it as your payment. If someone offers a million dollars, then you’d get fifty thousand. The rest will go towards funding covert CIA operations overseas.”
“Oh, of course. Wow. Fifty…fifty thousand. That’s a pretty good chunk of change I guess.”
“Not too bad for a night’s work. Trade a drive for a suitcase full of money and that’s it.”
“Almost seems too good to be true,” Turner said.
“Almost,” Davis smiled.
Chapter 3
Parker and Cole had finished analyzing the contents of Turner’s computer. There was a lot more on there than his laptop so it took a couple hours longer but still came up with the same result. They found nothing on there that indicated he was involved with Davis.
“What now?” Cole asked.
“Let’s hook up with Burnett and see if she has anything.”
A few seconds later they were video conferencing, letting Burnett know they came up with nothing so far.
“Well, the only new thing we’ve learned is that he arrived at LAX and went to a Holiday Inn. He checked in and immediately disappeared,” she told them.
“So he never actually stayed there,” Cole said.
“No. Where he went from there we have no idea.”
“Well, the email he sent to Turner said he’d talk to him soon. As far as we know he hasn’t made contact with him,” Parker said.
“Keep on Turner. I want you to start surveillance on him 24-7. If Davis hasn’t contacted him yet, it’s possible he may soon.”
“Or he sent him that email knowing we’d intercept it and sit on
Carol Durand, Summer Prescott
Stella Price, Audra Price, S.A. Price, Audra