Tell Me You Love Me

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Book: Tell Me You Love Me Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kayla Perrin
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
every night.” Pause. “Anymore.”
    Wendy burst into laughter, then so did Tyanna.
    “Girl, you are too silly,” Wendy said.
    “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Tyanna shook her head with chagrin. “Look Wendy, you know we can chat all day, but I’ve got to get ready for work.’’
    “All right. I’ll let you go.’’
    “Let me know what Phil says about using his video equipment.”
    “Sure. I’ll call him now. I doubt it will be a problem, but we’ll have to figure out a time.’’
    “And music, and location. All that stuff.” Tyanna inhaled deeply, trying to quell her excitement. “So much to plan.’’
    “Definitely. I’ll be in touch.’’
    “Talk to you later, hon.’’
    Tyanna disconnected the call and got back on the road. Between Sheldon and Ronnie Vaughn, she was a ball of nervous energy.
    She was looking forward to heading to work. A good workout was what she needed to get her mind off everything.
    Especially Sheldon.
    And if Jay was at the gym and he flirted with her, maybe today she would flirt right back.

Chapter 5
    Sheldon pulled his Explorer along the edge of the gravelly road and killed the engine. For a long while, he stayed seated in his vehicle, looking out at the row of headstones.
    He finally pushed the door open and hopped out of the car. His brother’s plot was a little off to the right, and Sheldon slowly made his way there.
    FORD. His hands perched on his hips, Sheldon looked at the headstone that marked his brother’s life and death.
    Dwight Brendan
    April 17, 1980–October 26, 2001
    Gone too soon, but always in our hearts
    Sheldon stared at the words etched into the granite rectangle where his brother had been placed in the ground. Grass had long grown over what was once a mound of dirt.
    It was still so hard to believe that his brother’s body was forever interred in this spot. That this represented a life that had once been vivacious and full of curiosity. It didn’t seem possible, much less real.
    Digging into his jeans pocket, Sheldon pulled out the charm he had brought with him. He sunk to the ground, resting his butt on his heels beside the headstone.
    “Hey, little brother. I brought you something.” Sheldon always carried some type of gift for his brother. He left the flowers to others; Dwight had never been a flowers-type guy, so Sheldon didn’t bother with that.
    “Nothing much. It’s just a charm.” Sheldon fingered the angel wings. “No matter what anyone else says, I know you were a good kid. You had a good heart. You just got mixed up in some crazy stuff.’’
    Sheldon took the charm in two fingers and slipped it between the granite and grass, pushing it down so that no one else could see it. “That’s an angel to watch over you. The way I couldn’t in life.’’
    A painful lump lodged in his throat, and Sheldon found himself brushing away a sudden tear. “I failed you, bro. And I’m sorry about that. I should have been able to get you out of this mess.” He swallowed, but the lump remained. “But at least Dino is dead. No ifs, ands or buts. I know that won’t bring you back, but at least he got the punishment he deserved.”
    A drop of rain splattered against Sheldon’s nose, and he looked up at the sky. Between the time he had arrived at the cemetery and now, the sky had grown dark and Sheldon hadn’t even noticed. He knew how hard the rain came down in South Florida, so he quickly got to his feet.
    “I’ll come back and visit you, bro.’’
    Sheldon took a step backward. His glance moved to the left, beyond Dwight’s grave to his father’s.
    Despite his objections, his mother had buried Dwight beside his father. Years ago, his parents had bought plots at this cemetery, planning for all of them to be buried here when the time came. Sheldon knew it made sense that his mother had gone ahead and buried Dwight here, but a sour taste coated his tongue every time he came here and saw his father’s headstone.
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