and square with a hint of arrogance, his chin determined. His was a strong face, just saved from harshness by the softening effect of his dark hair, which was the color of rich, brown sable and so thick and shiny that Desi knew that she would need a whole hour just to run her fingers through it.
And his mouth, she told herself solemnly as she continued her painstaking inventory of his familiar face, his mouth was his best feature. It was an exciting, masculine mouth, rather hard and clean-edged, as if it had been chiseled by a sculptor. The bottom lip was just slightly fuller than the top, hinting at a softer, more tender and sensual side to his nature.
The side that he was showing to her now as those firm lips caressed her palm and kissed the tip of each slender finger. His eyes continued to hold hers, sending her silent, secret messages of his desire, so that she couldn't have looked away, even if she had wanted to. He was making love to her with his eyes, holding her a willing and eager captive in their bottomless brown depths.
Neither of them seemed to be aware, just then, of the people seated all around them in the dim, softly lit interior of the plane. People in front and in back and to the side, blocked out by the high seats and the curve of Jake's right shoulder as he sat turned toward her. It was almost as if they were alone. Almost, but not quite.
They were not nearly alone enough, she thought. And she wanted, more than she had ever wanted anything, for them to be really alone. We wanted them to be somewhere where Jake's kisses could go beyond her hand.
It didn't occur to her that this was their first meeting. That, in reality, she hardly knew him and that she should not be allowing or encouraging his caresses. She felt as if she had known him all her life, wanted him all her life. As if his lips, moving so warmly against her palm and fingers and the tender inside of her wrist, had touched her before and would touch her again.
In a way it had happened before—countless times—in her deepest, most secret dreams. Dreams hidden even from herself, for Desi could never remember them in the morning, except for the feeling that they had been wonderful and the nagging wish that they had gone on just a little longer.
She was reminded now of the sweetness of those half-remembered dreams, and she wanted the completion that she had never found in them. She wanted his lips to travel from her hand up to her shoulders and the pale line of her throat, across the curve of her cheek to, finally, claim her mouth. She wanted, desperately, for him to kiss her. And she knew, looking into his smoldering eyes, that it was what he wanted, too.
But the stewardess came back then, bringing their drinks. Jake didn't completely release her hand but instead placed it firmly on his thigh, pressing it down a little, as if to make sure she would leave her hand there while he was busy with lowering the tray table.
His action was unnecessary because Desi couldn't have moved her hand even under the threat of dismemberment. It felt as if her fingers were glued to his hard thigh by a strong current of electricity and, like someone receiving a tingling shock, she couldn't let go. Not that she wanted to anyway.
Jake handed her drink to her then, and his free hand came down to cover hers on his leg as if he, too, couldn't bear to break contact, even for a minute.
They touched glasses silently, toasting each other with their eyes, and sipped at their drinks. Jake reached up a long arm and switched off the overhead light, banishing their fellow passengers to formless shapes and surrounding the two of them in a cocoon of intimate darkness. With long hard fingers he deftly tore open the small foil package of smoked almonds that the stewardess had left with their drinks and popped one into Desi's mouth. She accepted it greedily, giggling softly from pure giddiness and anticipation.
They huddled together in the soft darkness, speaking of nothing in
Dossie Easton, Janet W. Hardy