Tell Me You Love Me

Tell Me You Love Me Read Online Free PDF

Book: Tell Me You Love Me Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kayla Perrin
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
    “And he obviously forgot that. Or just didn’t feel the same to begin with.’’
    “What did he say?’’
    To Tyanna’s dismay, her stomach actually fluttered as she remembered the vision of him by her car. Still as strong and handsome as she’d remembered him. “Well, he didn’t say much at first. I…I hit him.’’
    “I didn’t know it was him,” Tyanna said in her defense. “I thought it was some psycho following me.’’
    “How badly did you hurt him?’’
    “Not that bad. He was okay after a few minutes.’’
    Wendy groaned, and Tyanna could picture her shaking her head. “All right. What did he say once he caught his breath?’’
    “He said he needed to talk to me,” Tyanna explained. “I had no idea why.’’
    “Hmm. Maybe we should hire a rocket scientist to figure this one out.’’
    “Ha ha. Aren’t you just too funny.’’
    “Fine. I’ll keep my opinions to myself—for now. You said he told you some kind of story?’’
    “Yeah. Some far-fetched bit about doing some undercover work to catch the guy who killed his brother.’’
    “Exactly. He’s never had a brother before. I’m supposed to believe he has one now? Had one?’’
    “That’s definitely weird. How did he explain that?’’
    “Girl, this story had enough murder, mayhem, and drugs to make a New York Times best-seller. I gave him an A for effort.’’
    “It was too incredible. I don’t even know what to think.’’
    “Well, whatever his reasons,” Wendy said, “he obviously wanted to see you. That took a lot of guts after so long.’’
    It was just like Wendy to look on the bright side. “The effort is too little, too late,” Tyanna saidpointedly. “I don’t even know why he thinks it would matter now. I’m over him.’’
    “I know you are.” But Wendy didn’t sound convinced. “Which is really too bad—since no one has ever gotten to your heart the way Sheldon did.’’
    “And thank God I’m over that. Do you remember how pathetic I was? Canceling dates to be with him. Never going out; just hanging with him watching a movie. Like some boring housewife or something. I totally lost all my spunk. I mean, since when am I a homebody?”
    “Hey, with the right guy…” Wendy let her statement hang in the air. “And the way you told it, you two barely came up for air.’’
    Oh, Wendy did not have to go there. Tyanna did not want to be reminded of her sex life with Sheldon.
    “The truth is,” Tyanna said, feigning nonchalance, “sex isn’t everything.” But just the mention of it had Tyanna remembering how great it had been with Sheldon, which had her suddenly missing what she’d gone without for a year.
    Forget the sex, she told herself. Please, forget the sex. The sex with Sheldon was her weakness. For months she had spent restless nights reliving their most intimate times together. Thankfully, she’d gotten past that stage, although she did have some nights on occasion where she would remember their lovemaking.
    Wendy’s voice pulled her from memory lane. Damn, she hoped her friend didn’t realize where her thoughts had ventured. “I needed more than sex, Wendy. I needed honesty. I needed him to let me into his world. No matter how we connected in bed, I always felt he was holding back. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling.’’
    “You did mention that before.’’
    “I brushed a lot aside then,” Tyanna went on. “For the sake of great sex.” And because in her heart, she had felt that all Sheldon needed was a little extra nurturing before he would open up completely. “But I’ve grown up.’’
    “It sounds like you miss the sex.’’
    “Of course I don’t miss the sex!” Tyanna protested.
    “It’s only natural,” Wendy continued, as if she were deaf. “I mean, after the way you described it. Even I was jealous.’’
    “All right. So I miss the sex. Sometimes. It’s not like I think about it
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