Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients
project it out into the cosmos

    Magical Basics 35
    to bring it into manifestation. But, how do you project it out?
    There are different ways to project the energy of the spell.
    Some of the methods of projection are built right into a
    given spell. If you are using or making a focus for your
    spell (poppet, talisman, candle, etc.), the charging of that focus is a means of projecting the energy of the spell. For example, in a candle spell when you charge the candle,
    you are projecting the energy into the candle and it is
    released when you burn the candle. The basic method for
    projecting energy is: 1—the shifting of your conscious-
    ness; 2—the unification of thinking, willing and feeling;
    and 3—the element of directed visualization. Doesn’t that
    sound easy? Heck no? Well, it sounds a lot more compli-
    cated than it is.
    Firstly, the shifting of consciousness is just getting
    into the alpha brainwave; it’s just magical meditation.
    Secondly, uniting thinking, willing and feeling is how you program your spell. Finally, directed visualization is just fancy schmancy jargon for using your imagination in a
    conscious way. All you have to do (at the proper point
    of the spell) is visualize the energy streaming from your
    ‘third eye’ and the palms of your hands either into the
    object you are charging or out toward the target of your
    spell. Specifically, you actually need to imagine the energy leaving you and reaching your goal (either at its location 36 Chapter 2
    or see it reach a symbol of your goal, such as a candle
    or charm). This is how you program the subconscious to
    do the work. The subconscious works with images (shape
    and color). You connect your conscious mind to your sub-
    conscious mind through mental imagery; your imagina-
    tion. Seriously, no kidding; that’s it. The secret to actually making magic work is the combination of all these steps.
    If you just ‘visualize your goal’ without shifting into an alpha brainwave, you will not be able to move the energy as successfully. If you shift into alpha and visualize without having the will to create or adding any emotional
    connection to your goal; you will not be able to success-
    fully move the energy. The secret is the combination. You
    need all of it for magic . That is the secret; that is the truth.
    Spellwork Sequence
    Here is a summary of how to use each of the steps in
    order to work a spell (of any kind) and then I will follow up with a basic charging rite for creating a talisman or
    magically loading a candle. As an example, let us say that you want to cast a spell to gain money. What do you do?
    Let’s examine the complete process.
    First, determine the correct moon phase for the in-
    tended goal of your spell. In this case, we are looking to increase our money so; we need to work during the waxing phase of the moon. We could also time our spell by
    the day of the week and work on a Sunday for wealth and
    success. Second, we need to think about why we desire

    Magical Basics 37
    more money. The motivation behind our desire must be thoroughly contemplated and understood. In this case, let
    us say that the motivation is that we have too many bills
    and need to have more money to make ends meet. Once
    the motivation is understood, we need to reduce it down
    to a precise goal (clear intent) and a goal that is for the good of all; with harm to none; it’s (the goal’s) equivalent or better (more on the reason for this in the next section).
    To reach our clear intent where money is concerned, we
    need to figure out how much money we need right now.
    So we should look at our bills and all expenses and de-
    termine how much more money we need to meet those
    expenses versus the amount of money that we have (or
    will make at that time). Let’s say that our clear intent is: We (apparently, for the sake of example I have decided
    that we are in this together) need at least $251.00 more;
    its equivalent or better, according to free
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