Cumberland (Not A Dream Book 1)

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Book: Cumberland (Not A Dream Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amey Coleman
grandpa today?”
                  I smiled and said, “Well, not exactly.”
                  “Oh, I see. Would you like a ride next time?” she asked in a concerning tone.
                  “Yeah, that would be great. But Carolyn is threatening me. She probably won’t let me graduate.”
                  “You know Principle Jack Hall?”
                  “Yeah, what about him?”
                  “He is my dad, I will let him know.”
                  “Thank you.”
                  We said our goodbye’s and then hung up.

Chapter Five
    The next couple of dreadful days passed by, and before I knew it, it was the day of graduation. I awoke with a smile. This day, was to be my day of freedom. I watched the sun rise through the tiny attic window. The golden glow of its arrival gave me hope.
                  The days did not pass by slow at all. The day after I called Olivia, Holly and Molly broke all of the china plates Carolyn saved over the years. They placed my shoe at the scene and I was again grounded.
                  Then after that day, Carolyn took my car away to the scrap yard. She told me, “I know your grandfather wants you to go to Cumberland. Don’t!”
                  “Why?” I asked confused.
                  “Just don’t,” she simply answered before walking away.
                  I jumped out of bed, and went straight to my closet. I opened it up, and where my cap and gown were hanging, was no more than an empty spot on the hook. I frantically went through my closet looking for them. I didn’t find it. I continued my search throughout the house, and still did not find any traces of it.
                  I wanted to check my car, but I did not feel like letting Carolyn have the opportunity to ruin my day any more than it already had. But I decided that no one can ruin this day for me. I checked outside despite my better judgment. I walked past the dining room, on my way out of the house, and Carolyn stopped me with asking, “Where are you going?”
                  “I am going to check out in my car to see if I had left my cap and gown outside,” I answered bluntly.
                  She pursed her lips. It looked as if she lost her hand in her folds when she placed her hand on her hip and said, “Fine.”
                  I was about to walk out the door, but decided I should ask her a question that I had been dying to know the answer to. Why not? I questioned myself. I turned to see her still standing in the doorway of the house my father had built with his own two hands. She looks displaced here. So I hesitantly asked, “Why? Why did you marry my father? Why are you trying to keep me from Cumberland? You always told me that it was a fake place. But if it was as fake as you say it is, then why keep me from trying to prove my grandfathers’ sanity?”
                  She did not respond with words. Her eyes seemed to turn cold and reluctant. I know something was up, I just don’t know what. After I checked my car from top to bottom, I ran up the stairs to check the linen closet.
                  I ran into the twins on my way up and tried not to laugh at their coordinating outfits for graduation pictures, but a little bit of laughter escaped my mouth. The twins began to giggle at me as I searched the hallway closet. I looked at them and then continued my search. Holly asked me, “What are you looking for?” Then Molly chortled.
                  “My graduation cap and gown. Do you know where it may be?” I asked sincerely.
                  They giggled again. I tried to be as nice as possible and then I demanded to know, “Please tell me.”
                  “Yes, we know,” she smirked.
                  “We could
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