Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients
will, with harm to none and for the good of all. Okay, we have clear intent for what we need. Now, we (finally) move on to the third
    step. Third, we decide on what spell we want to use and
    make sure that we’ve got all the ingredients necessary. For the sake of simplicity, let’s go with a basic candle spell.
    For the spell, we would need to gather a green or gold
    candle; (green for abundance or gold for success, for more see Colors of Magic on page TK), Basic Money Oil (prepared in advance; recipe given later, see page TK), a piece of new, unlined paper and a pen. After you have gathered
    your spell ingredients, it is time for the fourth step; medi-38 Chapter 2
    tation. Gather the spell ingredients on an altar table and sit before it. Now, go into your meditative state and once you are (if you are using the Autumn Tree mediation) at
    the door in your imagination, open the door and see a
    blank screen inside. On this screen, see an image come
    into view as if you were watching a movie. See yourself
    on the screen holding two one hundred dollar bills, a fifty dollar bill and a one dollar bill; your goal, $251.00. Then, let the image fade and see each of the bills that you need to pay come up on the screen and see a BIG “paid” stamp
    on each one.
    Now, consider how you will feel when your bills are paid. Feel the relief (or whatever) wash over you. Bask in this feeling. Let this feeling inspire you to succeed. Build the will to manifest your goal. Feel yourself creating the magical energy to bring you money (what happens is that
    you create a change in your personal energy and make it
    “hum” at the “abundance frequency”). Now, pick up the
    green or gold candle and hold it firmly in your dominant
    hand (right, if right handed) and mentally send your en-
    ergy into the candle. You are “charging” the candle with
    your thought (visualization), emotion (feeling), and will
    power (energy); send it all into the candle (mentally).
    Next, anoint the candle with the money oil. Anoint it
    from the middle to the top and again from the middle to
    the bottom as if you are filling it with power (which you
    have and are). Now pick up the pen and paper and write a

    Magical Basics 39
    rhyming chant including your goal (a spell). For the sake
    of example, I have one prepared:
    Bills unpaid, looming threat;
    I need some help, relief from debt;
    $251.00 my goal,
    With Harm to None, For Good of All
    Bills are paid, joy is here;
    Money woes disappeared!
    Now you have two choices when you cast this spell; ei-
    ther you burn the paper in the candle flame (which means
    you will need a heatproof dish to set it in) or you can place the paper beneath the candle and once the spell has been
    cast, fold the paper up and keep it in your wallet until the goal has manifested. If you choose to burn the paper it is a good idea to copy the chant down in your magical journal
    along with all of the other pertinent information. After
    you have written the spell on the paper, charge the paper
    in the same manner that you charged the candle; holding
    it in your dominant hand. When this is done, either place
    the paper underneath the candle (if you are saving the
    paper) or set it in front of the candle (if you are going to burn the paper). Now, if you are going to burn the paper;
    light the candle and then, say the spell while you burn
    the paper. If you are going to keep the paper, say the spell as you light the candle. Either way; summon all of your
    focus and intent and as you say the spell “breathe out”
    the magic. What I mean is; take a full breath and speak
    40 Chapter 2
    the spell and with the rest of your breath, mentally send
    the power out into the cosmos. Finally, clap your hands
    together once to affirm that it is done.
    Once the spell has been cast, you can either leave the
    candle to burn out (if it is safe to do so); which is best or you can extinguish the candle with a candle snuffer or the back of a spoon (don’t blow it out;
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