Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients
it scatters the energy).
    Finally, if you have kept the paper, fold the paper into a small square by folding each corner to the middle toward
    you as many times as you feel necessary to make it small
    enough to carry with you. If you have chosen to burn the
    paper, bury the ashes outdoors. The spell is complete.
    The next step of course, is to wait for your goal to
    manifest itself. This can happen in several ways; you could receive money that had been delayed, you could win some
    money, you could gat a raise in pay or some sort of gift or you could get several different small financial gains that
    “just happen to” add up to be exactly what you need. It is important to keep track. Write down your results in your
    magical journal. Give any spell that you cast a minimum
    of a full lunar cycle (28 days) to begin to manifest. During this time, it is okay to work additional magic toward the
    same goal to act as a booster. Some spells manifest very
    quickly; others take longer. There are variations. That is why it’s so important to keep track.
    Also, there are a lot of choices in the magical arena.
    You can pick and choose which methods work best for

    Magical Basics 41
    you so; you need to keep track of what works for you per-
    sonally and what doesn’t.
    Charging Ritual
    This rite is all-purpose and can be used to charge literally anything with magical energy. The charging will need to
    be done according to an appropriate moon phase for the
    type of charge desired. Once you have selected the item;
    be it charm, talisman, candle, statue, whatever, you then
    have to clean it. Ideally you should run it under clean,
    cold water, but that is not always possible. If you have to dust it instead, that’s fine. Just do what you can. Afterwards, set up an altar table (any small table will do) with the following items:
    • A cup of salt water
    • An appropriately colored candle
    • The tool, item, or object to be charged
    Begin by gathering all the tools and items necessary and
    arranging the altar. Next, go into a meditation and reflect on what your goal for the ritual is, i.e. the type of charge you want the item to hold. The next step is to begin the
    rite.Settle yourself before the altar and hold the item to be charged in your hands (if the item is too large, place
    it on the altar and hold your hands above it). Close your
    42 Chapter 2
    eyes and see the item in your mind while at the same
    time, sweeping your dominant hand over the item in your
    other hand (or on the altar). Say, “ I neutralize energy not in harmony with me and fill you will with state intention
    power! For the good of all and by Land, Sky and Sea, as I will, so shall it be !”
    Repeat this chant three times and then pass the item
    over the candle flame and sprinkle it with saltwater. The
    charge has been made. The rite can now be concluded and
    you should wrap the charged items in natural cloth of ap-
    propriate colors until you use it in a spell. This keeps the item clean, safe, and fully charged until needed.

chapter 3
Magical Ethics
    When you should;
    when you shouldn’t … and why not!
    There are several “rules” and laws regarding ethical the
    use of magic and these rules are followed for a variety
    of reasons; personal safety being among them. Some of
    these rules include:
    • Any spell that you cast should be cast with
    the intention that it shall be ‘according to
    free will and for the good of all’.
    • Magic should not be done (solely) for
    personal gain.
    • What you send out returns to you.
    • Work according to the moon phases.
    44 Chapter 3
    All of these magical laws have been found to be use-
    ful and correct and they are all intertwined with one an-
    other. They have been followed for untold generations in
    one form or another by magically minded people.
    I will briefly examine each of these rules individu-
    ally and detail why they are necessary. Let’s start with:
    Any spell that you cast should be cast with
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