Unusual Inheritance
going to be hard at all.
    Jed looked for wood while Stormy got
ingredients out to make bacon and beans. She had brought along a
loaf of bread as well and bacon, beans, and bread sounded pretty
good right now. Of course it could not compare to the meals Carmen
fixed but she needed to cut back anyway. She was probably going to
gain weight living at the Double LL ranch, she smiled to
    Night fell and Stormy lay in the wagon,
trying to shut down her mind and fall asleep. She must have finally
dosed off but was awakened by someone entering the wagon. Startled
she sat up but was quickly reassured by Jed that it was just
    “What do you want?” She asked.
    Irritated Jed responded. “Can't you see that
I'm soaking wet? Rain is pouring down outside. My bed under the
wagon got flooded away. I'll have to bunk in here with you
    “Bu..bunk with me?” Her voice squeaked in a
high pitch.
    “Yes, with you.” Jed stated firmly. “Go back
to sleep. I'll wrap this blanket around my wet clothes before I lay
down, so my arms will be inside at all times.”
    She could tell from his tone he was
squelching a laugh. Stormy and Jed stayed huddled in the wagon all
night but neither could sleep. In these close quarters it was all
she could do to not think about unwrapping Jed from his
    Stormy felt uneasy and shy, yet content and
safe all at the same time. She must be losing her senses, she
thought. Sometime before daybreak Jed fell asleep and stormy just
lay there trying to see his face in the dark. She reached out to
touch the shadowed outline of his jaw without thinking. Jed
stirred, opened his eyes and spoke.
    “Is everything alright?”
    Stormy stuttered a bit. “Yes…yes, ah, I'm
sorry. I must have touched you by accident.”
    Jed rubbed his hands over his face where she
had touched him. “Oh, I see, well...Stormy.”
    It was the second time Jed had called her by
her name and it sent a tingling feeling up and down her spine.
Morning arrived and after a quick breakfast of bread and bacon they
were on their way to Cedar Falls.
    The first name basis continued as they
started their second day of the journey and by supper the
travelling together had become easy and comfortable. Jed was easy
to talk to and always made sure to include her in the
    They arrived at Cedar Wells around 4:00 the
third day. With no further storm delays they made good time each
day. By 4:10 the wagon pulled up in front of Stormy's one room
shack. Jed tried to hide his emotions but she could tell he was
shocked to see where she had been living. As soon as they entered
Stormy gathered her belongings and packed them into the empty
    “Anything that doesn't fit in the bag we can
load in the wagon,” Jed said. “As long as there is still room for
you to sleep at night,” He added.
    “Don't worry. I don't have that much.” Other
than a few clothes the only things she really wanted to take were a
few items that belonged to her ma and pa. She had to have something
to remember them by.
    “We can sleep here tonight and start back in
the morning, but today I need to make the rounds, say goodbye to
Emily, and let my laundry customers know I won't be coming
    It was now morning, the wagon was loaded, and
Stormy and Jed headed back out of Cedar Wells toward Possum
Junction. Stormy took one look back and was surprised that leaving
the place she had lived for years didn't bother her at all. In her
heart she knew that the Double LL was her home now and Katy Marie
and Carmen were her family. She smiled at the thought of having
someone to go home to. For the first time in a long time she was
truly happy.

Chapter Eight
    Jed gathered wood for the fire as he watched
Stormy preparing food to cook. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.
She was quite a woman indeed; he smiled as he thought of how
uninhibited she was at times. Heck, even he blushed when thinking
of her in her underpants. He smiled again when he realized
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