Chance: An Action & Adventure Romance Novel (Sacrifice)

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Book: Chance: An Action & Adventure Romance Novel (Sacrifice) Read Online Free PDF
Author: A.C. Heller
glow in the shape of a square appearing in the steel above her. She backs into the corner of her cell not sure what else she can do.
    There’s a grunt just as the square of metal is seemingly punched and falls from the ceiling to the floor. Dora’s body begins to shake with fear just as she sees a man’s legs hang over the edge of the hole. The black boots remind her of her captors, but it’s the bickering she’s overhearing that is keeping her from being completely terrified.
    “ Do not just drop in there, Rip. You do not know what you’re facing.” The man speaking sounds very angry, but his words alone make it clear it’s out of worry.
    “Don’t go gettin’ all soft on me now brother. I’ll be fine.”
    Dora could swear she heard a growl just as a man dressed in all black drops to the floor in a crouching position. Pure fear and adrenaline wash over her but as the man stands up and she gets a good look at him.  She finds herself at a loss.
    The man standing before her has to be the most gorgeous creature she has ever laid eyes on. He is wearing those ugly boots, black khakis, what appears to be a tight shirt and a harness of some sort over that. The man’s hair is sandy brown and his eyes are almost the same color. Despite the fact that she was not moving and doing her best to keep silent she swallows and those eyes lock with hers, nearly stopping her heart in her chest.
    The man lowers his head and raises his hands in a placating gesture. “Don’t be afraid. I’m not here to hurt you, I promise.”
    Dora points towards the door and when she speaks her voice comes out as the softest whisper. “You should leave this place. It isn’t safe.”
    The man raises an eyebrow at her as if he thinks she’s crazy. “Darlin’ considering you were locked in this room, I can’t imagine it’s very safe for you either.”
    The man has a point, but that wasn’t the only reason she was in this room. Over the years she has learned that being isolated is the only way to make sure she doesn’t hurt anyone. At least that is what she has been told time and time again by her captors. And knowing her abilities, she knows they are right.
    “ It’s best that I stay here.”
    The man shakes his head clearly growing tired with the conversation. “I don’t believe that, and I gotta tell you, I’m not leaving this place without you.”
    A look of pure confusion crosses Dora’s face and she locks eyes with the man once more. “I don’t know anything else.”
    The man nods and takes a hesitant step towards her.   “ My name is Aiden Ripley.  I work for an organization that helps people. The people we help are special.  Sometimes they even have special abilities. Do you have special abilities darlin’?”
    Dora simply nods in acknowledgment.  She wouldn’t call her abilities special in any way but she knew what he meant.
    “ Alright, so what's going to happen is, I’m going to hoist you up and my brother Takeo is going to take you from me. Don’t be alarmed, he is a big guy but I assure you he is a giant teddy bear.” Just as Aiden finishes speaking Dora hears a clipped ‘Fuck off’ from above them. Had she not been so freaked out she may have actually laughed.
    Dora doesn’t move as she tries to mentally process all of this information. “He called you Rip, not Aiden.” Aiden smiles at her and nods, “Indeed he did. When we are on assignment we tend to not use our real names. It’s safety procedure. I’m called Rip mainly because of my last name, but also because I’m very skilled with throwing daggers.” This made sense, so Dora takes a step forward which causes Aiden to raise one of his hands to take hers.
    This would be the first time Dora has ever left her captors. As long as she can remember she has been a prisoner of some sort.  Now she finds herself wondering how freedom can really feel free when you are essentially a walking disaster. More excited by the idea of leaving her wardens, she takes
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