the final step forward and places her hand in Aiden’s.
As soon as Aiden grasps her hand, both of their arms visibly jolt. Dora gasps and Aiden eyes grow wide but neither of them verbally comment. They had both felt the connection, the spark between them. A connection so powerful that it had physically manifested between them as an electric charge.
Dora pulls her bottom lip between her teeth and looks up at the gaping square in the ceiling. “So, just put my hands up?”
Aiden is quiet for a moment before he steps up behind her and places his hands on her hips. “Yeah, reach straight up and when I lift you up Takeo will reach down and take you from me.”
Dora lifts her arms and reaches up and in one swift movement Aiden lifts her light frame above his head. She’s slightly surprised at how strong he is. Not that she is very heavy, but it’s also easy to tell by looking at him that he takes care of himself.
Strong tanned hands wrap around both of her wrists and she’s pulled up through the hole as if she weighs no more than a feather. Aiden was strong, but this guy is strong . Dora’s small frame slams into a massive chest and a strong arm wraps around her lower back to keep her on her feet.
“You good, female?”
Female ? Dora really didn’t like being referred to as that but it was typical of Nephilim men to call women that. “ Yes, I’m fine.”
The massive man releases her and takes a step back. At the same time a strong gust of wind comes from inside of her old cell. In that instance Aiden is standing next to them. Takeo is smiling at Aiden, but Dora is just looking between the hole and Aiden trying to figure out how on earth he managed to get himself out without a ladder.
It must have been obvious because Aiden locks eyes with her just before he speaks. “I have the ability to manipulate air. So with a little effort I can create a powerful enough gust to lift my own body weight.”
Dora blinks several times before blurting out the first thing that comes to mind. “So you can fly?”
Takeo bursts out laughing, his incredibly deep voice making the sound reverberate through her.
Aiden grins and shakes his head. “No, I can’t fly. I can only do it for a short period of time.”
Dora has always been slightly jealous when she hears about other Nephilim abilities, wondering why she got the short end of the stick, though the thought crosses her mind that this man does not appear to be Nephilim. Aiden presses a finger to his ear and starts’ giving out orders and their location while Takeo places a hand on the small of Dora's back, leading her up a metal chain ladder that apparently had been dropped into a hole above her cell.
Once off of the ladder, Dora takes a moment to look around and breathe in the fresh air. It’s been so long since she has been able to see the stars and the moon or the trees swaying in the breeze. Even the smell of the dirt around them is a beautiful thing to her. Suddenly, six large vehicles pull up around them and at least forty men pile out of them all dressed a lot like Aiden and Takeo. Takeo gives the men orders to go down and meet Aiden and places his hand at the small of Dora’s back once more, leading her to one of the vehicles.
When they reach the car, Dora notices a soldier walk up behind him and stop. The giant man brushes her hair away from her face and presses a large finger to the cut on her temple. She sucks in a breath through her teeth and glares at him, despite his size.
“Sorry,” the soldier mumbles as he takes the first aid kit that the soldier behind him was holding. It was like they knew they were going to need it. He cleans her wound with an alcohol swab and covers it.
“Thank you” she whispers and the large man says nothing but he does give her a half smile. She couldn't help but notice that he was kind of cute too.
Takeo opens the passenger side door and motions for her to slide in. In the driver’s seat is a man that almost