Max Stone and the Lost Star of Zirdon

Max Stone and the Lost Star of Zirdon Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Max Stone and the Lost Star of Zirdon Read Online Free PDF
Author: Declan Clarke
trickling from his lip where the handle of the heavy sword had made contact. His Fight-Cat shook off the blow and they race forward.
    As the warrior and his sabre-tooth tiger gained ground on the lizard man, his intelligent eyes scanned the boulders to see what had held the interest of these two monsters. He spotted Max looking out from his shelter and their eyes locked for a moment. The young alien warrior looked at Max, not in horror or in amazement as you might expect, but almost as if he knew him. His strangely coloured eyes held Max for a moment, the flame red circles burning furiously around the deep brown centres and then he broke gaze and urged his tiger on. It bound forward on its enormous claws leaping twelve feet in the air, landing on the back of the lizard creature, scratching and dragging it to the ground.
    The lizard fought on; it desperately wanted to reach the group of rocks and the prize it had sensed.
    It had come close enough to have Max in its sight and it went wild trying to reach him. The lizard man made another frantic lunge, this time just a few short feet away from Max. Up close, this creature was terrifying. Its nostrils flared violently and its massive jaws hung open, snapping and snarling. Saliva dripped from its rows of huge teeth and the stench was sickening. Its forked tongue flickered, tasting the air. Max could smell its rotten breath and the yellow ooze that bled from its injury under its neck was vile and disgusting. It howled and shrieked in frustration. Being so close to Max, it desperately wanted to reach him more than his own life was worth.
    Max sensed that it was not just him the creature wanted and he held the box carefully to his chest.
    But the creature couldn’t move any further, it was pinned by the young warrior and his giant Fight-Cat. The warrior reached down from his mount and swung the handle of his blade hard against the lizard creature’s skull. Max heard a sickening thump, CRUUUUNCHH , as the handle met with the reptilian skull.
    The creature was dazed.
    The young alien warrior held out his hand to Max.
    â€˜Come’ he said, roughly.
    Max hesitated.
    â€˜Stay and you will die’ he said, leaving Max with no choice.
    Max took the offered hand and was hoisted high onto the back of the enormous sabre-tooth tiger. Max saw the young warrior look at the symbol on the box under his arm and for a brief moment looked as though he might say something. But the lizard man was getting up and starting to move in their direction.
    â€˜ HeeeAAAH ’ the warrior shouted loudly at his Fight-Cat. The brave warrior, the sabre-toothed tiger and Max bound off in what Max hoped was the direction of safety.

    Max clung tightly to the young alien warrior.
    His heart beat furiously as they sped away from the demented cries of the furious lizard creature. The reptile had not stayed on the ground long after the blow to his head. No sooner had the young warrior pulled Max up onto the back of his Fight-Cat than the lizard man shook his thick skull. It knew it had been tricked and that its target had escaped. It ripped the air with an angry snarl.
    The sabre-toothed tiger ran at an incredible speed, as its huge paws powered ahead. It seemed to Max that this magical creature did not even touch the ground but glided on the air currents as it surged forward. Its long mane flowed behind. The young warrior kept his eyes forward, never looking back. At first the lizard creature put up a chase, dropping to all fours and running frantically, trying to catch the escaping pair. Max looked behind him, but it soon disappeared into the distance, snarling in anger.
    Part of Max was relieved. Another part, however, wondered what on earth he ran towards.
    As they fled, the countryside around them changed. They moved from the desert into lush open grasslands where shrubs and a few trees grew. Tall grass swayed in the breeze and Max’s eye caught sight of herds of
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