Chance: An Action & Adventure Romance Novel (Sacrifice)

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Book: Chance: An Action & Adventure Romance Novel (Sacrifice) Read Online Free PDF
Author: A.C. Heller
makes Takeo look small. It’s hard to tell in the dim light of the vehicle, but it appears the man has white hair but does not look old. Takeo leans down and gives the man a curious look. “Surprised to see you here.”
    The man lifts his eyes to Takeo and his expression turns Dora’s blood to ice. “The danger we once faced because of a golden haired female is nothing in comparison.” Dora watches as Takeo’s face twists in anger and he slams her door closed, causing the vehicle to rock on its wheels. The white haired man starts the vehicle and they pull away into the darkness.
    “Who are you?” Dora asks sounding a little frightened still but uncaring because if this man meant her any harm he would be in for a really rude awakening.
    “ You may call me, Damiano. And no, I will not harm you.  I am very aware of what you are capable of, Pandora.”
    Dora shrinks down in her seat a little; she absolutely hates it when people call her that. “It’s Dora.”
    Damiano nods but doesn’t respond.
    Minutes later they pull into a large garage and he exits the vehicle leaving her inside.   Dora hesitantly opens her door and slides out just as an older woman approaches her smiling.
    “Hello dear. My name is Liza.  Please come in and get comfortable.”
    Dora doesn’t answer verbally, but simply follows Liza through the garage and towards a larger building. Just as they exit the garage, Dora sees Damiano leaning against a work bench, staring directly at her.
    Chapter Four
    Aiden scrubs a hand over his face as he watches her enter the compound. The Sapient facility has been mostly wiped out, all critical information moved and only a dozen or so guards left behind. It was always frustrating when they got little results, but this time at least they got Dora. The moment Aiden saw her something twisted in his gut and the air had been nearly sucked out of him. What was such a beautiful woman doing locked in a steel prison cell? Thoughts like that are what have been plaguing his mind all night.  Now that he was home all he wanted to do was sleep.
    As he’s walking past the kitchen, Aiden hears a distinctive female giggle that stops him in his tracks. It’s a beautiful sound and even though he half knows who it came from he still has to see it for himself.  He walks into the kitchen and on one side of the table is Dora and on the other side are Chasca and Angelo. It looks like Chasca is trying to strangle Angelo. Her tiny hands are at his throat but they aren't quite big enough to actually strangle him.  That doesn't stop her from trying.
    “ What did he do now?” Aiden asks as he strolls up to the table.
    Dora turns her intense blue eyes to him and smiles faintly.
    Chasca turns towards him and places a hand on her hip. “He has my ring in his mouth! I was trying to show it to Dora and this douche of a man decided to put it in his mouth!”
    Aiden rolls his eyes just as Takeo comes into the room. Takeo walks right over to Angelo slaps him on the back of the head causing him to spit the ring out and catches it in midair. Takeo grins and hands the ring back to Chasca who in turn grins and sticks her tongue out at Angelo.
    Dora giggles and for the first time Aiden gets to see a full smile appear on her face. Magnificent. Aiden tries to keep his face as expressionless as he can while he slides into the booth style seat next to Dora. She scoots over to give him more room and picks up her cup of tea.  It’s only then that Aiden notices her hand is shaking.
    “Are you alright?” Aiden asks with genuine concern.
    Dora quickly nods her head and takes a sip of her tea before setting it back down.   “ I’m alright, just nervous I guess.”
    Aiden can’t say that he’s been in her position before but he can still understand her nervousness. She doesn’t know anyone in the room and her first impression was a couple of commando looking guys dragging her out of a prison
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