The Lariat (Finding Justus Series)

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Book: The Lariat (Finding Justus Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ashley Dotson
I’ve never had to save anything. I don’t like to repeat old lectures so I don’t have the need to save much.”
    I could hear the urgency in her voice. I was the only student who arrived early, and for me it was an oddity. Neither of them expected to see me.
    He kept his focus on Dr. Gaines, like he should have, but now she had my attention as well. Her heart was racing, betraying her usual calm collected smile, “Oh, good morning, Layla.”
    I looked trying to gain his attention but no luck.
    “Is there something wrong, Dr. Gaines?” I asked while still staring at his perfect profile.
    “My husband had a heart attack last night.”
    My eyes snapped to her, “Oh my God.” My words like sandpaper in my own ears.
    “I’m worried sick, but I’m trying to be positive” She attempted to soothe herself, but there were unshed tears in her eyes. “He’ll be having surgery this week to clear a blockage, and his recovery will be extensive. I’ll be taking a leave of absence for the remainder of the semester.”
    “I’m sorry to hear that. He’s lucky to still be alive.”
    “I keep telling myself that too,” she turned and gestured to the imposing figure I had been trying to ignore. “Cyrus, I mean Dr. Williams, will be taking over for today. He will be leading my graduate courses.”
    I turned my attention to back to him. He was already staring expectantly at me, saying nothing. He was going to let me answer that question. But instead of saying anything at all, I simply offered my hand, inviting him to do the same.
    “We’ve met,” was all he said.
    His touch sent a shiver through my arm, and the fire within me ignited the hollow chambers of my heart. I fought my smile and the familiar tingle that threatened to steal my resolve. He didn’t have such issues. He smile was genuinely bright, and brought with it the peace only an angel could possess.
    I turned remembering Dr. Gaines’ dire situation. He gripped my hand a little tighter sending me a silent message not to interfere. This situation wasn’t mine to fix, and she hadn’t asked me for help, but I couldn’t stop myself from offering this time.
    Before the words were even out, Cyrus cut in, “We have everything under control. The professors know what to do and the doctors know what to do. There’s nothing else to be done. Go be with your husband.”
    He was giving off those soothing angel vibes. I could feel them. They were aimed at Dr. Gaines, trying to calm her down. I listened as her heart rate slowed. She inhaled and exhaled greatly and managed to smile.
    She held back the unprofessional tears threatening to spill, “Thanks for filling in today when everyone was busy, Cyrus.”
    “It’s no problem. You’re welcome,” he answered. “I’ll say a prayer over you and your husband. Everything will work out as it should.”
    With those parting words, she was gone.
    I felt so useless. Cyrus had stepped in before I could even offer to help.
    Wasn’t I supposed to fix it?
    Cyrus touched my shoulder, “You cannot fix the world’s problems. And you can only help when you are able to.”
    Who are you?
    His words made my insides squirm with anger at his high handedness. This was my job. “You think you know me?”
    “I know more than you think, which is more than you want me to know,” he laughed.
    His hand still rested on my shoulder. We both glanced at it, and instead of removing it he only smiled. I moved closer, unable to resist him.
    “I know what it means to fight your nature, to hate who and what you are.” His voice was deep and melodic. I began to fall under the spell of his soothing words and gentle voice, “I know what it means to be lost.”
    My thoughts through his tightly woven melody. I pulled myself from him and raised my chin. Who did this guy think he was anyway?
    “So you decide to come to my town, my college, get in my face and tell me what’s wrong with my life? You’re not taking over this class because
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