Alyssa's Desire

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Book: Alyssa's Desire Read Online Free PDF
Author: Krysten Raine
steps toward her. Alyssa took a few steps backward in response.
       "Now her pussy is worth five grand. Hey Sweetheart, you wanna make a deal? I'll give you your money back if by chance you wanna settle this debt another way," Trevor said tauntingly.
        "No thank you," Alyssa said with a disgusted tone.
        "Suit yourself, Bitch!" Trevor snapped angrily as he walked out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him. They could hear the weight of his footsteps as he marched down the hallway of the apartment complex. Relieved that he was gone, Valerie closed her eyes and sank to the floor with her back pressed hard against the door. Still shaking, Alyssa regarded her mother intently.
        "You know the deal, Mom. You have six months to either check yourself into rehab or start paying me back at the rate of $200 a month. If you chose to do neither, you will never see me again," Alyssa said sternly. Then she grabbed her bags and walked toward the door where he mother was leaning.
        "You wanna stay a little longer?" Valerie asked hopefully. Alyssa couldn't believe that her mother had the audacity to ask her for anything else right now, even if it was just a request to spend time together.
       "Mom, I already lost a day of work and now I have an extra bill and no money in savings. I can't afford to stay any longer."
       With that Alyssa sto od at the door, tapping her foot impatiently and waiting for her mom to move out of her way. Valerie knew better than to argue, she just moved aside and let her daughter leave. Alyssa walked out without saying a word and then she too slammed the door behind her, leaving Valerie all alone in her pathetic state. Exhaling a disgusted sigh, Valerie lit a cigarette and sat there thinking about what she was going to do next.

    Chapter Three: The Ex-Wife
        When Alyssa returned to work the next day she was still noticeably distraught over her mother's situation. Even the coworkers that did not know Alyssa very well could tell that she was upset. Several people approached her during the day to ask her what was wrong and if she was okay. Alyssa just said that her mother was ill and she left it at that. She didn't want anyone to know the truth. She was both embarrassed and ashamed of the situation her mother was in. She was equally embarrassed that she had to go to a shady loan place and plead for money to get her mom out of trouble. Anyway saying that her mom was sick wasn't a lie exactly; addiction is a type of illness after all. Alyssa just hoped and prayed that this latest incident would be the push her mom needed to finally get some help.
        Later that day Jack Coleman made his way over to Alyssa's cubicle. He flashed a warm and inviting smile in her direction. She held her breath and forced a smile of her own as he approached her. He was so handsome and so tremendously powerful that Alyssa was downright intimidated by his presence. The fact that he was also gentle and kind should have eased her mind, but it only added to her nervousness. Jack Coleman was unlike any other man she had ever known. He seemed too perfect to be real. He came closer and he leaned on the cubicle wall to speak with her.
        "Are you, okay? I heard that you took the day off yesterday. I just wanted to make sure that everything was alright," he said with genuine concern in his voice.
        "I'm...I'm sorry that I missed work. My mother is very ill. I told her I couldn't miss any more days," Alyssa stammered. She was hoping that he was not angry with her for calling off of work.
        "Oh, no. You are not in trouble, not at all. You are entitled to some personal days for these kinds of situations. You can take some more time off if you need to. Several of your coworkers mentioned that you looked upset and so I was a bit concerned. I just wanted to check in on you, and make sure that you were okay."
         Jack smiled and he reached out to touch her arm in a gesture of comfort and
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