rat escaped from one of the trash piles and crossed the floor just in front of her feet. She breathed out a long exhale and then she continued to the bathroom. The door was open just a crack, and there was a pile of clothing stacked up against the outside, making it difficult to open. Alyssa could hear the soft moaning coming from inside. She held her breath and then she forced the door open. There she found her mother sitting on the floor, with her back propped up against the wall next to the sink. She had clearly been beaten. Her mouth and nose were stained with dried blood. She had a black eye and her lip was split wide open. She was dressed like a whore, in a mini skirt that was so short that Alyssa could tell that her mother was not wearing any underwear. She had on a trashy tube top and Alyssa could see track marks up and down her arms. This wasn't much of a surprise since a bag of needles and heroin were on the bathroom floor right next to her mother.
"Alyssa? Is that you, Honey?"
"Yeah, Mom. What the hell happened here? Did somebody hit you? Why are you dressed like that? It's November and it's freezing in here and you have no clothes on," Alyssa started and then she decided that maybe now wasn't the best time to be giving a lecture. Her mother was clearly hurt and she desperately needed help for her addiction.
"I'm in trouble, Baby," Alyssa's mother said weakly and then she started to cry. Desperately she pawed at the toilet paper, trying to tear off a piece to blow her nose.
Alyssa knelt down beside her mother and lovingly stroked her hair back. She helped her mom to wipe her nose, but it was a lost cause with the continual bawling. It was like a flood gate had been released. After about half an hour of uncontrollable sobbing and hysterical screaming, Alyssa finally got her mom to calm down enough to tell her what had happened. Alyssa helped her mom to get up and move to the couch. She got the cleanest washcloth that she could find and she washed away the blood, snot and tears from her mother's face. Then she got her mom a glass of water and sat down to hear the story.
"I...I owe this guy money for the smack you know? A lot of money, five grand to be exact. I didn't mean to get in so deep. I was supposed to be selling so I could get a free bump here and there, but I only sold a little bit, and I used up the rest. Anyway he came looking for me and I only had about two hundred. I offered him sex in exchange for the rest. I really thought he was going to go for that. He fucked me all night but when he was done he told me that my old ass pussy wasn't worth no five grand. Then the bastard fucking hit me, busted my nose up and split my lip wide open. There was blood everywhere. He started going through my shit, said he was taking his product back. I told him that I used most of it. Then he fucking threw a lamp at me. I ducked but it went through the window. I tried to run but he chased me, and then he threw me down on the ground and started kicking me and shit. He said that I got until Monday to come up with the rest or he's gonna kill me. He's going to kill me, Alyssa! I don't know what to do. I only make so much waiting tables. I can't come up with five thousand dollars in two days!"
Alyssa mother started wailing again. She collapsed on the couch, crying hysterically.
"Holy fuck," Alyssa said. "Just...come home with me. You can stay at my place for awhile or better yet let me check you into rehab. You'll be safe and you'll get the help that you need."
That suggestion didn't go over very well. Valerie Snyder had been an addict for a long time and she was not ready to give it up. She got up off of the couch in a huff and she turned to walk away from Alyssa. Then she stopped for a second before turning around again. She regarded her daughter coolly and she clenched her teeth together in anger.
"No! I'm not going to no fucking rehab clinic. I'm not