running either. Just...just lend me the money. I'm good for it, I promise. I just need more than two days," Valerie pleaded with both her words and her eyes. The desperation showed and Alyssa's heart sank.
"Oh, son of a bitch! I don't have that kind of money, Mom!"
Alyssa's mother started crying again. Not knowing what to do, Alyssa got up and started pacing back and forth between the piles of filth and disarray that were literally just everywhere. After a few long moments, Alyssa hesitantly promised to see how much money she could come up with. She told her mother that she was going to try some of those short term and payday loan places and see if she could raise enough to keep this guy at bay for a couple weeks. Alyssa's mother thanked her daughter wholeheartedly and she promised she would take extra shifts at the diner to pay her back. Alyssa sat quietly for a few moments, pondering what to say next. Then she gave her mother an ultimatum.
"If I get the money and you agree to go to rehab, we will call it even. But if you keep on using, you have to pay me back every cent or I'm done with you. Those are my terms. I am sorry if that sounds harsh, but you really need to get some help, Mom. You can't keep going on like this!" Alyssa said her words with conviction. She didn't want to force rehabilitation on her mother, but Valerie was at the point where she was in mortal danger and that was the last straw for Alyssa.
Alyssa managed to make it to one of the short term loan shops before they closed. She was able to get $3,000 cash immediately but her payments would be a whopping $350 a month for the next year and her payback amount would be $4200 with interest. By the time she was done at the loan place, it was getting dark. She was even more afraid to drive through this part of the city at night. The streets were already crawling with all sorts of unsavory types.
She got back to her mom's apartment as quickly as she could and she decided to stay the night. She told her mom that she was able to get most of the money with the loan and that she had some money in her savings. Maybe she could pawn some of her jewelry to get the rest. Alyssa made good on her promise. She emptied her savings account and withdrew a few hundred from her checking.
Despite her efforts, she was still four hundred dollars short on Monday morning. Alyssa called in sick to work, and then she went back to her place and gathered up everything she had of value. Then she headed for the pawn shop. When it was all said and done she had $5, 119.11 cash in her purse. Alyssa's mother reluctantly called her dealer and told him that she had borrowed the five grand from her daughter to pay him back. Twenty minutes later he was pounding on the door, demanding his money.
"Valerie! You got my money, Ho?" the dealer viciously demanded as he knocked on the door.
Alyssa's mother reluctantly opened the door just a crack and handed him the envelope with the five thousand dollars. He snatched it up and then he forced the door open the rest of the way, breaking the chain lock in the process. After pushing his way inside, Alyssa shrank in fear. He was a huge man; probably weighed a good four hundred pounds and he must have been at least six foot four. Alyssa wondered how her mother even survived the beating she took from this guy.
"Better be all there," he said as he scrupulously looked at the cash.
"It is," Valerie said meekly. The dealer, whose name was Trevor Barnes, looked past Valerie and he saw Alyssa standing in the corner behind her mother. He clicked his tongue as he looked her up and down. Alyssa was trembling under the weight of his gaze.
"That your daughter, Val?" Trevor asked in a way that made Alyssa shudder.
"Yeah," Alyssa's mother answered hesitantly. "Yeah she loaned me the money."
Trevor sucked his lower lip for a second then he smiled. He winked at Alyssa and walked a few