Valentine's Day Romance: Finding Love

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Book: Valentine's Day Romance: Finding Love Read Online Free PDF
Author: T.K. Chapin
takes us.”
    Mike and Rebecca took the Trenton exit. “My dad runs a Godfather’s right up here on Finley. Are you cool with going there?”
    “Your dad? You want me to meet your father on a first date?” Rebecca was taken aback by Mike’s request. Why the heck would he be having me meet his parents? This date just started heading south in a hurry.
    “Uhh… He’s the owner and yeah, you would probably meet him. It’s not a big deal. I’m not taking you to meet my parents, it’s just good pizza. We can go somewhere else, I know there’s a Fizzo’s up the road a bit further.” Rebecca began to feel bad. He had plans to take her to his Dad’s pizza place and now they weren’t going because she felt awkward. I hate this… ugh.
    “Yeah. I’d rather not meet your dad.” Rebecca could see what she believed to be disappointment in his eyes. “Don’t be upset. It’s just too soon… You know?” Mike flashed her a smile that was forced.
    “It’s cool. I understand.” The car fell in silence the last few blocks as they passed Godfather’s and made their way to Fizzo’s. Jumping out of the car before she could, Mike came around and opened the door for her again. She smiled and thought about how sad she had made him about not going to his Dad’s pizza place.
    “I’m really sorry…” Rebecca said quietly as Mike held open the door to Fizzo’s. He shook his head at her.
    “It’s fiiinnnneee Rebecca, promise. Just stop talking about it.” Mike grinned touching his hand to the small of her back as the waitress approached them.
    “Table for two?” The young girl asked. Mike nodded and they followed the waitress to a table.
    “Can we get a booth?” Rebecca asked looking over at Mike. He nodded.
    “Sure… hold on just a minute,” the waitress said running off to talk to someone. She returned quickly and led the two of them to a booth towards the back where the lighting was low. Rebecca and Mike took seats on opposite sides and took off their jackets. “Can I get you guys a drink? We have beer, Pepsi products, lemonade…”
    “I’ll take a water,” Mike said.
    “I’ll take a strawberry lemonade, with extra lemons and a glass of water on the side,” Rebecca said smiling at the waitress.
    “Aren’t you just high maintenance,” Mike said with a hearty laugh.
    “I just know what I like,” Rebecca said smiling at him. She dug through her purse to find her phone; retrieving it she found she had missed a call from Jonathan. That’s strange, I don’t remember it ringing. Looking up at Mike, she decided to call him back. I don’t think he’ll mind. “I missed a call from work. I should probably call them really quick.” With a smile and a nod Mike acknowledged her need to step away.
    Dialing Jonathan back, Rebecca slipped out of the booth and went outside.
    “Rebecca,” Jonathan said, answering the phone. She couldn’t help but feel drawn to him as he spoke her name.
    “What’s going on? Everything okay?” Rebecca asked concerned. Leaning around the corner of Fizzo’s entrance, she could see through the windows and could see Mike at their table.
    “Yeah… Everything is fine. How was the date?”
    “Still on it…” Rebecca said annoyed. Her annoyance quickly turned to intrigue that he even cared. Is he checking up on me? “Why’s it matter?” She asked.
    “Oh. Um. No reason. Just thought you’d be done by now…” His words trailed off. Rebecca saw Mike ordering food. I gotta get in there so he doesn’t screw up our pizza!
    “I gotta go Jonathan. Tell Stacy hello…” Rebecca ended the call without letting him respond. He’s definitely into me. Rebecca scurried back into Fizzo’s and to her booth with Mike. The waitress started to leave as Rebecca arrived. “Wait!” Rebecca said grabbing the waitress’s arm. “What did he order?”
    “Rebecca…” He said motioning for
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