Valentine's Day Romance: Finding Love

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Book: Valentine's Day Romance: Finding Love Read Online Free PDF
Author: T.K. Chapin
could count on, that wasn’t just jumping from relationship to relationship.
    “Let’s just take it slow. Ok? You are leaving Stacy… So do that… Then let’s see where that takes us. I don’t want to commit to a relationship with you right now,” Rebecca said confidently as she scanned Jonathan’s face for a reaction. Judging from the bitter look on his face, he wasn’t entirely pleased.
    Letting out a sigh, Jonathan said, “Ok… I’m going to break it off with Stacy. Then we will see where it goes?”
    “Yep,” Rebecca said.
    “Good.” Jonathan tapped Rebecca’s desk with his finger tips and turned to leave. Rebecca grinned as she shuffled through her papers in hand. He’s finally pulling the trigger.
    Later that week on Friday night…
    Ding, Dong
    “Just a minute,” Rebecca hollered as she leaned against her hallway while slipping on her other heel. Stopping at the mirror near the door, Rebecca checked herself. A beautiful black cocktail dress wrapped around her frame and her blonde hair was curled. She looked stunning and she felt amazing. Opening the door, to her surprise it wasn’t Mike, but Jonathan.
    Stepping in without invitation, Jonathan turned quickly to Rebecca putting his hand on her arm. “Rebecca, I need you.” Oh my goodness, come on dude!
    “Another issue down at the office?” She asked.
    “No. I need you. I did it. I left her and I just need you to talk to,” Jonathan said leaving the door open, he made his way to the couch and sat down. Rebecca had wanted him so badly for years and now he was sitting in her apartment on her couch needing her in his life at this critical moment. I have to cancel with Mike. Rebecca pulled out her phone and dialed up Mike.
    “Hello?” Mike answered.
    “Hey Mike… I hate to do this… but I’m going to rain check tonight. I had some work stuff come up I have to take care of.” A sound from behind Rebecca startled her, turning around she found it was Mike at the open door. He looked over at the couch at Jonathan and then up at Rebecca. He didn’t speak a word, just shook his head and left quickly down the hall. Rebecca chased after him.
    “It’s not what it looks like Mike!” Rebecca shouted down the apartment hallway.
    “Really? What’s it look like Rebecca? Because I see a dude on your couch and you are telling me you are missing our date because of work!” Mike said throwing his hands up. “I don’t need to be played Rebecca. I don’t care for it.” Mike got onto the elevator and it shut before Rebecca could reach it. Returning back to her apartment, she found Jonathan standing up from the couch.
    “I’m going to get going,” Jonathan said.
    “Really? After all that? Now my date is gone and pissed off at me… You are just going to leave?” Rebecca snapped at Jonathan.
    “Well… I don’t want ‘work’ to get in your way. I keep forgetting I’m your boss and much of what you do, say or think is probably because of my position over you.” Rebecca shook her head at him.
    “That’s not true…” Rebecca said quietly approaching him and touching his arm softly. Jonathan looked down at her touching him and then up into her eyes. Warmth washed over Rebecca as their eyes met.
    “What about you chasing after that guy?” Jonathan asked as he headed over to the door to leave. Rebecca ran her fingers through her hair as she thought about Mike and then about Jonathan. She felt confused, she felt torn.
    “It’s true that I like him, or did like him… I don’t think I’ll be seeing much of him anymore, he thinks I am seeing you behind his back,” Rebecca said as she went and plopped onto her couch. Looking over her shoulder at Jonathan near the door, she said, “You can shut the door on the way out…” Jonathan touched his finger to his chin in thought.
    “You are already dressed up… Would you like to get some dinner? I have
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