Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince

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Book: Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kumar Lomash
as bad as it sounded when you first started describing it. You should call it meritocracy to avoid confusion.”, Kevin said honestly.
    Keele leaned back on his chair and smiled. He had made his point.
    “You said Boris went to the Earth many times, when was the second time he went there?”, Kevin was onto his next question now.
    “As I said, his research and that of a few others showed that king’s rule was needed to bring back the hum society on the track to its past glory. This opinion was becoming popular by the day. It was evident that Soboro would win the next elections but then something happened that we had never anticipated. Soboro died under suspicious circumstances without an heir. It was a tragedy that we were not prepared for. It was clear that the next election and the elections after that were pointless as nobody was alive to compete as a monarch. Democracy won unanimously and that is how it has been since then. We just have panel elections now to select prime minister and his panel.”
    “So, did he come to earth in search of a new king?”, Kevin asked.
    “Yes, that is what they decided.”, Keele confirmed.
    “Who is they?”, Kevin asked again.
    “Boris and his few colleagues who believe in monarchy, Kevin. They decided that he was the best person to go back to earth. So he went back exactly 341 years ago in search of the royal bloodline. This is how he ended up on earth the second time. After that he has been to earth many times. He has been looking for a royal descendant who could come to Peele and help us break the monarchy of democracy.”
    “I never thought such a thing could exist. ‘The monarchy of democracy’.”, Kevin said, amazed at how nothing can ever be perfect. He never imagined someone like Boris would ever argue in favour of monarchy over democracy.
    “It's the scale of time, Kevin. Once you live long enough, you realize that nothing is perfect. Democracy is not perfect, not nearly close to it. But those who have suffered dictatorship see it as the only solution. A person who has been burnt by hot milk will temporarily resolve to drinking only cold water but in a long life he will get burnt by many things. He would realise that every hot object burns if you are not careful. Then and only then would he attempt to fix the real problem, which is his own carelessness. Once he is over his fear of water or milk, he is truly free to use them to their true potential. This is what we call wisdom.”, Keele finished his answer. He now waited for Kevin to ask his next question.
    Kevin wondered for a moment on all that was disclosed by Keele. He got up to put his plates in the dishwasher. He was silent throughout, trying to make sense of all of this.
    “It has been a couple of hours since Boris left. He must be arriving anytime now.”, Keele said.
    “He told me he needed to talk to me, I will wait for him.”, Kevin said.
    “I will leave you to your thoughts then. Let me know if you need anything, including answers.”, Keele smiled as he walked away.
    Kevin looked around the house trying to understand the gadgets and artifacts kept there. It was not his first day in the house but he was too preoccupied earlier to have appreciated any of those. He stopped at a collection of photographs. Boris was in most of them. In one of the photographs he was standing with someone his own age. They both looked young in the photograph, it must be an old one thought Kevin.
    “That is a very old picture of me. I was 22.”, Boris said. He was back.
    “Just 22! It is hard to imagine that you started at 0.”, Kevin joked.
    “Haha, yes, it seems like another life altogether. Just imagine trying to remember something from 800 years ago.”, Boris explained.
    “Who is the other young man?”, Kevin asked.
    “My friend, Soboro.”, Boris said.
    “The last prince!”, Kevin recalled.
    “I was supposed to leave for earth in a week. Soboro wanted me to report everything, especially on the downsides of
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