Valentine's Day Romance: Finding Love

Valentine's Day Romance: Finding Love Read Online Free PDF

Book: Valentine's Day Romance: Finding Love Read Online Free PDF
Author: T.K. Chapin
her to sit down. “I got peperoni.”
    “Can you make that half peperoni?” Rebecca asked the waitress. “I just want cheese on my half of the pizza.”
    “Ok,” The waitress said as she turned and walked away rolling her eyes.
    “What’s her problem?” Rebecca asked as she sat in the booth. She looked at Mike and felt a spark as their eyes came together.
    “Who knows,” Mike said. Taking a drink of his water, he continued, “Is everything okay at work?” Rebecca didn’t want to share the fact she has a crush on her boss or the possibility he was interested in her also. So she lied.
    “Yep. It was a false alarm,” She smiled, but she felt bad immediately. He wouldn’t talk to me again if he knew any of the truth… well… It’s not his business either! Rebecca pushed away the feelings of remorse; she figured it was none of Mike’s business to begin with, they weren’t dating.
    “Good, good. I have a surprise after we eat,” He said grabbing her hands. He flipped her palms up and laid her hands on the table. He ran a finger softly against the palm of her hand. “Sorry. Is that creepy?”
    “A little… but it feels nice.” He leaned in under the light of the table and ran his finger up to her wrist and let the finger rest.
    “You remind me of the human hand…” He said as he guided his finger softly down her wrist and into her center of her palm.
    “Why’s that?” She said smiling while she enjoyed his touch.
    “The hand’s skin is strong and durable…” He continued trailing the inside of her palm as he looked up at her, he continued, “But it’s also sensitive.” Chills ran down her spine and she shook pulling her hand away from him with a smile.
    “You’re kind of strange… but I like that.” She grinned revealing her teeth. I like this guy. Just then, the pizza arrived to the table.

    “You’re late,” Jonathan said with a raised eyebrow as Rebecca stepped off the elevator. Rebecca hadn’t been late more than a few rare times since she started.
    “Yep I am. My date and I were up late into the night walking around downtown Spokane and all over Riverfront Park,” She said smiling as she walked by Jonathan heading around the separating wall towards her cubicle.
    “Hmmm… So it was a good night I take it?” Jonathan asked as he followed behind her. Rebecca opened the drawer to her desk and dropped her purse in.
    “It sure was Jonathan,” She said smiling while she thought to herself, Is he jealous?
    “Oh, I see… Are you interested in him?” Jonathan asked. His eyebrows were up and his interest was piqued. Rebecca finally had captured his attention after all these years. Why’d it have to be from me having a successful date?
    “I’d say so... We are going out again Friday,” Rebecca said as she sat down at her desk. She began logging into her computer and noticed that Jonathan had remained standing in front of her cubicle halved wall. Looking up, she noticed the sweat forming on his brow and a certain air of panic about him.
    Leaning against the edge of the cubicle, he said in a soft voice, “I’m going to be leaving Stacy.” Rebecca’s eyes widened. I’m going to get a shot at him after all?
    “Why?” Rebecca asked curiously.
    “I found out she has cheated on me a few different times… and I just don’t want to work it out. I’m sick of working things out.” Leaning in close to Rebecca, he said, “Then there is the fact I want to be with you?”
    “You want to be with me? Why? What changed?”
    “I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately and last night, when I talked to you on the phone and you were still on that date…. Something just triggered in me… ya know? I wasn’t happy about the date or the fact you were still on it.” Rebecca was flattered by Jonathan’s decision to leave Stacy, but she didn’t want a lily pad jumper for a man, she wanted a man she
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