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Book: Trainwreck Read Online Free PDF
Author: Heather C. Myers
locking eyes with him. "I don't need to fight anymore with him. My real friends know who I really am, I know who I really am, and that's all that matters. If the only way that Tony can feel good about himself is to talk shit about me, then whatever. I don't need to dignify that with a response; it's nobody's business."
    "So why'd you break up with him, then?" Asher asked her. His brow was perked, and he didn't seem to be condescending, at least not yet. "He said he couldn't keep waiting for you to put out, so he just got tired of it and got rid of you."
    Sadie rolled her eyes. "I broke up with him because I just didn't feel anything for him anymore," she replied, carefully avoiding any mention of her sex life. "We were constantly fighting about the stupidest things, and I was getting tired of fighting for him when... when he wasn't really fighting for me."
    "So... did you do it?" Asher asked.

    "Do what?"

    "Screw him."

    "Like that's any of your business!" she exclaimed, standing up.
    "Of course she screwed him!" Paulina said, leaning over the banister with a smirk. Edward and Roxy were on either side of her, and Anthony was next to Roxy; everyone seemed to be interested in the conversation all of a sudden.
    "Just answer the question!" Roxy exclaimed.
    "What's the big deal? Just answer the question."
    "Say something."
    She needed to get out of there. Sadie abruptly stood up, nearly taking the chair down. Avoiding everybody's expectant faces carefully, she began to walk towards the back entrance, hoping nobody would notice that she was shaking and that her eyes were watering. When she pushed the door open, she managed to knock the edge of the door into Stewey's face, causing him to give a sharp howl of pain. She froze. How could this possibly happen to her? Why was her timing today just so incredibly horrible?
    "What do you think you're doing, missy, and no more excuses!" Stewey exclaimed, holding his nose in agony. Though his long fingers managed to shield the majority of it, Sadie could tell it was bleeding. But even though she wanted to, she couldn't quite open her mouth and respond. She had never been more embarrassed in her entire life. "That's it; I've had enough of you. Grab your stuff, let's go."

Chapter 6
    Sadie could feel everyone's eyes on her as she made her way back to her seat. Surprisingly, everybody had made it back to theirs, and the air smelled of lavender vanilla, much like a new body spray. She bent down and grabbed her things before turning back around and heading over to follow Stewey out the door. When the door closed, Stewey looked her directly in the eyes.
    "You know what I don't understand, Brown?" he asked as he began to lead her across the way, where the main office was. "You're a good student. You're a good kid. But ever since that whole break-up nonsense between you and that delinquent Tony McAllister, you're whole view of right and wrong seems to have shifted. And then I see you hanging out with Asher - Asher out of all people. You're heading down a path, Brown. You're going to have to choose which way to go." He stopped in front of a small storage closet. "Go on. You'll be there for the rest of the day. This way, you won't be able to leave without me seeing you." He paused, waiting for her to enter. "Well?" he asked impatiently. "Go on then."
    Sadie sighed, and opened the door, surveying her surroundings for the next three hours. It was actually relatively empty, save for a couple of file cabinets pressed against the back wall, a couple of chairs, and a long table that took up the majority of the room. Another sigh escaped from her lips before she set her bag down against the closest wall and hopped up on the table. She quickly removed her jacket and bundled it so it resembled a very sloppy ball, before setting it down. With that, she placed her head on the material, and surprising herself, she found it easy to slip into a deep doze.
    It had been an hour and twelve minutes since
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