Vengence of The Cat Men: A Shifter Romance (The Pride Book 3)

Vengence of The Cat Men: A Shifter Romance (The Pride Book 3) Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Vengence of The Cat Men: A Shifter Romance (The Pride Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amie Heights
Tags: Shifter
vent and torn it open so she could reach the outside air.
    Gerald and William were both there, waiting for her on the top off the roof.
    “You promised you would let me do this myself!” she shouted at them, angry but also relieved to see them.
    “We did let you, but we also promised to keep you safe so we waited here, just in case.”  She couldn’t blame them for that.
    “They won’t bother us ever again,” she said.  Neither man asked her to explain. 
    “Come on, follow our lead, we have some distance to cover,” Gerald said and he leapt from the roof to soar across the ally to the building rooftop next door.  Alison followed him, taking a few steps first to get a run at it before jumping with all her might.  She landed on all fours, still amazed at what her body could now accomplish.  William landed next to her a second later.
    The three made their way, roof top to roof top, back to where the Pride waited for them.
    “S o they are done?” asked Jena Luc, and the relief was evident on his face.  Gerald clapped him on the shoulder. 
    “Our new member has seen to that!” Gerald said, partially bellowing with his joy.
    “So we can rebuild the den?” Jacob asked.
    “Yes, but in a new location.  That area is still too under attention from outsiders to simply move back.  Don’t worry, my friend, we will find a new den soon enough.”
    “A bigger one, now that our family is bigger,” Samuel said.  There was a pause at that and William stepped forward.
    “I’m not sure that will be necessary,” He said and the others looked at him expectantly.
    “Davidson and I will not be staying long.  Now that the Pride is secure, we are leaving you,”
    “I don’t understand,” Mathew said, but Alison did.  William knew that as the second he would always be behind Gerald.  It had cost him his chance to be with her, and now he wasn’t going to allow himself to be in the same situation again.
    “There will be another Pride,” he explained.  “Davidson and I only, to start.  We will add our own brothers,” he paused and looked at Alison.  “...and sisters.”
    “And this is your choice, as well?” Gerald asked Davidson, who nodded.
    Gerald sighed and nodded too.
    “It was bound to happen,’ he said, “I knew I couldn’t keep you forever, men need to eventually set out on their own, to make their own lives and families.”
    “Their own Pride,” Alison added.  William looked at her one last time and smiled before turning and leaving with Davidson, their future uncertain but bright.  She had no doubts that William would have a Pride of his own very soon and find what he was looking for, just like she had with Gerald.
    She nuzzled Gerald’s powerful body and he put his clawed hand on her head, scratching gently behind her ear.  She couldn’t believe how good it felt.
    She was going to love being a member of the Pride, almost as much as she had grown to love him.

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Vengence of The Cat Men
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The Princess and the Punishment
by Amie Heights!

    Princess Madeleine had always lived a charmed life.  Being the sole daughter of a powerful King had turned her into a petulant brat, but now that she was older and getting ready to be married she was finally starting to grow up.  There was no way she could have known that her father had made an unnatural bargain for his kingdom, and she would be the one who had to pay the price.  Sentenced to a night in the dungeon with the powerful wizard Elgan, Madeleine finds herself having to give in to the twisted whims and occult magical spells that will test her body’s endurance for hours.  Before the night is over she will experience every depraved and impossible violation as payment for the luxuries her royal family have enjoyed.  Will she be able to survive as a Princess, if she can’t handle the punishment?
    “Talx philantrodah incaatta,” he intoned and from the cauldron the pouring mist
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