This Time Around

This Time Around Read Online Free PDF

Book: This Time Around Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amy Davies
about this new partner he has at the garage. Con, do you know anything about the new guy? I mean have you seen him?”
    “Yeah. I have seen him. I went with Pop’s when he wanted to go and see Uncle Ade about something. He is tall and has really black hair. He was nice to me and he even gave me some crisps when Pop's and Uncle Ade were talking,” she shrugs her shoulders.
    “Oh, okay. That’s good that he is nice. Hopefully I will get to meet him later when I go down to the garage. Have you finished?”
    “Yeah. I am going up to shower. I will be as quick as I can.” She runs off and up the stairs to shower and get ready for her day. After clearing the table and feeding Hetch, I sit and wait for Connie. You see, she is just like every teenage girl or woman out there. ‘I will be as quick as I can’ really means that she will be ready in about an hour or so.
    Picking up my Kindle and my new cup of coffee I sit back on the deck and start reading the book I was reading on my flight home. And let me tell you, trying not to blush too much when reading a book is harder than I ever thought. I get lost in my books, they take me away from my reality. They let you escape and be someone different, even if just for a small amount of time.
    “I’m ready,” Connie shouts from inside the house, jarring me from a rather steamy sex scene I was reading. Oh, wow. I fan my face and shut my Kindle off. Picking up my now empty coffee mug I walk into the kitchen, and lock the doors behind me. Once I place the mug in the sink I walk towards the front door and I pick up my bag and tap my thigh.
    “Come on, Hetch. Let’s go boy,” I call the beast. He goes everywhere with us, lucky for me he doesn’t need his lead anymore, he acts on voice commands. Again thanks to Matt. Once the three of us are in my car we open the windows to let some fresh air in. Summer in BH can be a killer when we have the hot weather and today is one of those days. The heat can be seen in clear waves rising off the asphalt and the tops of cars. Connie sits in the front with me while Hetch sits in the back with his massive head sticking out of the window and his tongue flapping in the wind; he always gets a smile out of people we drive past.
    Driving up to my parent’s house I see Justin and Matt playing basketball in the driveway. I laugh as I see Matt snatch the ball out of Justin’s hand and scores a slam dunk. Boys. The car comes to a stop and Connie bolts from the car to join in their game with Hetch in tow. Matt has always been a good looking man, he is Darla’s high school sweetheart as they say in America. They have been together since they were fourteen, and I can honestly say that they love each other now just as much as they did all those years ago. I smile at the three of them together as I climb out of my car. I walk towards them as Matt picks Connie up and swings her around, causing her laughter to fill the air around us. I have been lucky with Connie and the topic of her father. My dad, Matt and Adrian have been the perfect male models in her life. She has asked once or twice about her biological father, but once she was old enough for me to sit her down and explain to her about everything she hasn’t asked. She is happy with her life.
    As I get closer Matt puts my daughter back on her feet and walks towards me. He is just over six feet tall with chocolate brown hair and a perfectly toned body. My sister is one lucky bitch to snag him and keep him. He teaches at the local Comprehensive school in town, so he gets to enjoy the summer off and spend it with their kids and Connie. He is a God send.
    “Shit, I am getting way too old for this,” he laughs as he reaches me.
    “Old, my arse. Dude, you are super fit for your age. Believe me, I hear it enough from my sister and all the giggly teenage girls in town.” I wink at him and he shivers.
    “Please, do not bring up the girls from school,” he groans. “I actually had one girl ask me if she
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