This Time Around

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Book: This Time Around Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amy Davies
out there that blows his sexy time out of the water,” she winks at me.
    “I doubt that. It is not like I haven’t tried to move on, I have dated but we just never seem to click the way we did that night. Even in the small amount of hours we had together, he left an impression on my body, and what I wouldn’t give to have more of him. Damn the things he can do with his tongue and his fingers. Damn.” This time I wink at her and she bursts out laughing.
    I turn to my daughter and call her. “Connie, let’s go we have spending to do, kiddo,”
    “Coming, Mum,” she answers. I see her say goodbye to her friends and I take some money out of my purse and drop it onto the table. Rachel is already walking towards the door, someone is eager to go shopping.
    We spend the rest of day going in and out of nearly every store that is open. Rachel spoils Connie once again. She makes her try on outfit after outfit. Shoe after shoe and Connie laps it all up. She is never one to shy away from attention but in a good way, she always stays grounded and my little earth child. By the time we get home Connie is yawning like a trooper, she is so tired she can barely keep her eyes open.
    “Baby girl, why don’t you go grab a quick shower and climb into bed. I will bring up a light snack for you, yeah?” I tell her as I place all of our bags on the couch. We can sort through all these tomorrow . The day has wiped me out. Getting back into our routine is a must. I want her to live her life and enjoy the little things. Because we do not know what is around the corner and you sure as hell do not know when such a precious life can end.

    Setting the jug of orange juice on the patio table, I walk to the bottom of the stairs and call for Connie once again. Placing my hand on the bannister I lean forward hoping my voice carries up to her room.
    “Connie James Miller, get your arse out of bed now. Breakfast is ready and we are eating out on the deck, so please get a move on. I have things to do today.” Damn that girl sleeps like the dead, just like her mum.
    “I’m tireeed,” comes from her room.
    “Welcome to my world, kid. Now if you want to meet up with the girls at Grams’s house, I suggest that you one-” I tick them off my fingers even though I know she cannot see me. “Get your backside out of bed. Two, get that said backside down here and eat your breakfast. Three, shower and get ready, so I can drop you off on my way to see Uncle Adrian. Now move, kiddo.” I finish up with a shake of my head. As I reach the patio doors I hear Connie coming down the stairs and smile to myself. I take a seat and take a hold of my coffee mug and bring the liquid treasure to my nose and I inhale the smell, the smell of the Gods. I have the radio playing in the kitchen and the sound just reaches the deck.
    The sound of the seagulls and the small engine boats drown out most of the music. Sipping my coffee I watch the boats coming and going from our little harbor. I love sitting here and watching the men that I have known most of my life go to work fishing or just enjoying their retirement. I wave at Mr Biggins as his little tug boat glides past. That old man is as old as the town I swear it. I giggle to myself as Connie dredges through the door and plonks her bum down in the seat next to me.
    “Morning, babe. Pancakes? Or toast?” I ask her. I know she loves her pancakes and she will never refuse them.
    “Pancakes, please,” she says as she pours herself a glass of juice. I place three pancakes on her plate with some berries and syrup. “Thank you,” she says, and digs in.
    “So, what are your plans for today with the girls?”
    “I think we will go to the park and hang out there for a little bit,” she says, before filling her face with more pancake.
    “Okay, sounds like fun. But please be careful and call me if you need anything, okay? I have some things to do in town today, after I pop over to see Uncle Adrian and find out
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