could help me watch the boys during the summer, just so she could spend more time with me. Freaked me the fuck out. I had to report it because she kept leaving notes on my desk,”
“And what about the other women in town? They are of age,” I wink again.
“Haha. Well they have very good taste, but your sister would have my balls if I even look at another woman, not that I would look, your sister is more than enough for me.” This time he winks at me and I fake gag. He hooks his arm around my shoulder and pulls me towards my parent’s front door.
“Where is my darling sister today?”
“At the salon, she wanted her hair done for the summer. You know how she gets.” I nod my head.
“Yep. Hey, I can’t stay long I need to get over to the garage and see Adrian before I pop over to the hospital and see what my new shifts are, plus I have a load of things to do today,” I explain.
“Cool. The Conster will be fine here. Me and the boys are staying for a few hours, so she will hang out with us.”
We walk through the house and into the kitchen where both my parents are sitting at the table. Dad has his paper in his hand, flicking through the pages. Mum is sitting opposite him wrapping little pieces of red and white checkered cloth on top of little jam jars and tying the rope to secure the cloth. Mum makes the best homemade jam in the world.
We stand there watching my parents talk about the kids, they haven’t noticed us yet. I smile, loving how much I want what my parents have. Matt clears his throat making my mum jump out of her skin. My dad, being the man that he is doesn’t even flinch.
“Morning. I’m pretty sure that you married my other daughter, boy. Why do you have your grubby hands all over my baby girl?” My dad asks Matt. He kisses the side of my head and walks over the fridge.
“Because I love her and we are going to run away together,” he says with dramatic effect. “I am surprised she has kept her hands off me for all these years and never revealing our sexy secret.” He winks at me and smirks behind his bottle of water. My mum giggles and I laugh out loud.
“Oh my God Matt, good one. Yeah, they would never believe such a tall tale.”
“Why not? I am sexy, I am wanted by hundreds of women,” he whines.
“Yep and teenage girls,” I say through my laughter, making Matt bend over and pretend to throw up in the kitchen sink. I walk over to my parents.
“Morning, Daddy,” I kiss his head and walk around to my mum. “Morning, Mum. Mmmm smells divine in here,” I say sniffing the air.
“Yummy, jam. I can’t stay I need to go over and see Adrian and then over to the hospital,” I explain. “I will text you when I am on my way home.” I kiss my parents and then Matt on the cheek before heading outside to say bye to the three kids. They all shout their goodbyes but do not stop their game. Climbing back into my car I turn the music back up and drive towards town to see my other best friend. The Score’s ‘Oh My Love’ plays through my car. I turn up the volume and sing along to the song and groove in my seat. I wave at people in town as I make my way to Brooks Auto repair and Custom.
It doesn’t take me long to arrive at my destination. I park my car to the side of the garage and climb out and make my way over to the four door repair garage. Three of the bays are repair and one bay is for the custom jobs.
Rock music is blasting from the speakers around the place, but it didn’t seem to bother the customers. I see no-one sitting in the office so I make a beeline for the car that has two familiar legs sticking out from it. I can tell that it is Adrian under the car because of the tattoo he has on his left calf. He had a pin-up girl tattooed there that looked just like Claire. Sweet if you ask me. I get closer and clear my throat.
“I am kinda busy right now, so you can go over to the office and speak to my wife, she can deal with anything you need,” he says from under