Rescued (A McKenzie Ridge Novel Book 1)

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Book: Rescued (A McKenzie Ridge Novel Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Stephanie St. Klaire
ordered to go, but Granny sure saw them, happy with what she was seeing. Sam was going to be harder to sell, but Lou saw something brewing, whether the two of them wanted it or not. Fate never got it wrong, and neither did Louise Shaw.
    She just needed to draw it out for them, give them a road map of sorts, if necessary. She didn’t know Dawson’s story, nobody did really, but she knew Sam’s, and her gut told her Dawson was a good boy with a lost soul…nothing a little love couldn’t fix. This was going to be her biggest triumph yet, and she was already patting herself on the back and high-fiving herself.
    That was the benefit and burden of living in a small town—everyone knows everyone, and everyone knows everything. It was a foregone conclusion, half the town was already buzzing about Taylor and Tayler. Bets were probably waging on the unlikely twosome, too.
    As expected, Taylor and Tayler were the main topic of conversation around the hospital and at the House. Both found themselves defending their new routine morning breakfasts as just that, two people that need to eat before ending their day and starting over. The gang at the House was a little less forgiving, taking every opportunity they could to rub in the fact that Dawson was dating.
    “Seriously bro, you guys have been at Baker’s every morning for weeks. That’s dating. Getting any perks ? I bet she’s full of…” Colton started the ribbing; he was a relationship guy, or wanted to be, anyway.
    “Shut it, Sparks, they aren’t dates. You have breakfast and dinner with Blake here all the time, you two dating, man?” Dawson knew he was being overly sensitive, but protecting whatever it was he had with Sam felt instinctive; it was off limits, even to the people that know them best. “Do you get burns from his scruff? I bet you like a good beard burn.”
    ”Go to hell, Tayler, this is between you and Sparks, besides, he’s not my type.” Blake Cooper could take a joke, dish a few good ones himself, but giving beard burns to Sparks wasn’t funny. He’d rather it be a five-foot nothin’ spit fire, but it just wasn’t in the cards, for now.
    “What do you mean, I’m not your type?” Sparks shot back. “Have you seen alllll this? You wish I played for the same team.”
    “Neither of you is worth a hissy fit, get over yourselves.” Jessie was a good sport, but boy banter annoyed the crap out of her, and this was a shut the eff up moment. Sometimes she was better at being one of the guys, than the guys, which was her way of surviving in a man’s trade, all five feet three inches of her. “If Tayler says they aren’t dating, then they aren’t dating. Some people are just casual that way, friends with benefits , if ya know what I mean.”
    “Of course you had to go there; thought you were offering support from the female regime. Guess you left all your estrogen at home?” Appreciating her input, crass as it was, crap from Jessie was a compliment, and Dawson welcomed it.
    “Suck it, Dawson, like seriously hard.” A classic Jessie Clarke response—vulgar.
    “Spoken like a true lady. Look, Daws, it’s no one’s business what you are doing, she’s a nice girl. Who wouldn’t get buns every morning if they could? ”
    “And there it is…I expected more from you, Morgan. And, its fritters. We eat fritters.”
    “Alright, lay off guys. You are all just jealous that Tayler has someone to have breakfast with and none of you do,” Carigan interjected, always kind, always level headed, although around the same age. Carigan O’Reilly was the mother of the bunch, always making sure everyone was okay. “Daws, I do want to point out as your partner, and the person you spend most of your time with, that you do seem to be a lot happier these days. I hear she’s getting the same crap over at the ER, and survey says she has been smiling non-stop for weeks now. Non-dating looks good on you.”
    “Thanks for having my back, O’Reilly. So I
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