Pappy, "you have to admit, the drawing of the Dormian bloom in Hill's book looks exactly like the plant that's sitting in our greenhouse right now."
"The greenhouse!" gasped Alfonso. He had forgotten completely about the greenhouse and the large wooden box that was making the strange thumping noise.
"What about the greenhouse?" Pappy asked irritably.
"There's a box in the greenhouse addressed to me with something strange in it."
"Oh yes," replied Pappy. "It had plants from some foreign shipping company. You know, you should ask your mother and me before ordering such foolish-looking plants from overseas."
"But I didn't order it," said Alfonso. "And whatever is in that box isn't a plantâit was thrashing about like a wild animal."
"No, it was a plant," said Pappy. "Saw it with my own eyes."
Hill sat up straight. "Where was the box from?" he asked.
"Can't remember exactlyâsome foreign port," said Pappy. "In any case, it was a heck of an odd-looking plantâkind of looked like a turtle."
Hill stared hard at Pappy. "Was it about four feet in height, with a sturdy stem, and a large bud with a hard covering that looks like a shell?" asked Hill.
"Why that's exactly right," replied Pappy. "How'd you guess? Did you send it?"
"Absolutely not," said Hill as he grabbed
McBridge's Book of Mythical Plants
and began flipping pages frantically. He stopped at an entry titled "Dragoonya plant of war." The entry included a drawing of a plant that looked like a cross between a Venus flytrap and a giant snapping turtle. Alfonso read the following entry aloud:
Dragoonya plant of war:
A fierce snapping plant with actual teeth teeth and a nimble root system that helps it move with surprising speed. Supposedly it was used in battle by the nomadio Dragoonya of Central Asia. Handle with extreme care. In fact, best if avoided altogether.
Renowned for their seeming ability to predict the future, the Dragoonya are a fierce and cruel...
"Holy smokes," interrupted Pappy Eubanks as he pointed to the drawing. "That's the plant. I'm certain of it."
"And it's in the same greenhouse as your Dormian bloom?" asked Hill.
"Yes," said Pappy. "In fact, there were at least three in the box. Maybe more."
"By Jove!" exclaimed Hill as he snatched up his bomber jacket and goggles. "Quicklyâto the greenhouse. Those Dragoonya plants will destroy the bloom!"
Chapter 4
T HEY RAN TOWARD the greenhouse, with Pappy and Alfonso in the lead. They scrambled through the snow and then stopped abruptly at the greenhouse door. The building was dark and completely silent. "Not a word," whispered Hill as he reached into his leather bomber jacket and pulled out his Colt .45 revolver. "We have to get the Dormian bloom."
"I can show you where it is," said Alfonso.
"Good," said Hill. "Lead the way."
Inside the greenhouse, the many plants and rows of tables were illuminated in a milky glow from the light of the moon, which was now shining brightly overhead. Cautiously, the foursome made their way down the center aisle of the greenhouse until they came to the large table where Pappy kept most
of his orchids. The Dormian bloom was sitting right where Alfonso had left it. Alfonso quickly scooped it up and nodded to Hill. Just then, however, they heard the sound of feet scampering. Or at least it sounded like feet. Something low to the ground was moving very quickly and headed directly for them. Dark shapes surrounded them. Pappy let out a scream and in the moonlight Alfonso saw a gnarled, slimy green budâbigger than the head of a horseâwith a set of massive jaws and sharp yellowish teeth clamped tightly around Pappy's leg. Moments later, they heard a crunch.
Pappy screamed again. "M-MY LEG!"
"Stand back!" shouted Hill. "Give me some room!"
Alfonso and Judy stumbled backwards. Hill set his gun down on the table, picked up a nearby shovel, raised it over his head, and brought it down fiercely on the head of the plant. Pappy let