The Nurse's Secret Love (BWWM Romance)

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Book: The Nurse's Secret Love (BWWM Romance) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Violet Jackson
So I decided to send him an email. I simply wrote, “We need to talk.”
    He responded a few hours later with a simple, “Okay.”
    We were both being cryptic. I was scared that his wife was reading his emails so I didn’t continue on. I had no idea if he had come clean with her about what happened in Savannah. It was possible that in working on their marriage that he had come clean and told her. I would have no way of knowing.
    The next day I had an exhausting day at the hospital and worked a twelve-hour shift. I did not see Mark at all the entire day, but I was too tired to talk of romance and friendships anyway. I had about twenty minutes left in my shift and I was prepping to go home.
    Then there was a lot of commotion. It was the usual drill as a patient was being brought into the emergency room. Everyone went into high action mode and we moved into position. I jumped into gear and made myself available then one of the other nurses looked at me with fright in her eyes. I didn’t understand why. I assumed the patient on the bed was in bad condition, but we had seen a lot here so that wouldn’t explain it.
    Then I looked down at the bed being wheeled in. It was Mark.  He was on the bed covered in blood. I screamed out, “Mark! Mark! What happened?”
    I burst into tears. I was hysterical almost immediately. Another nurse caught me and pulled me back. It was against policy to work on someone you were too close to and everyone knew we were best friends. I was in no shape to help anyway. I was shaking and frantic. Still I fought to get loose. I needed to know what was happening. I needed to see him. I needed to make sure that he got the best care possible. One hundred thoughts ran through my brain and it was as if my nurse side and my lover side were fighting it out.
    “He was found in a car wreck half an hour ago,” the nurse said.
    “Let the doctors handle this. He will be okay, Latoya, he will be okay,” the nurse said as I watched Mark disappear behind the doors of the emergency room.
    I crumpled onto the floor. A few friends soothed me and said words of comfort but I didn’t hear anything. All I could think about was Mark and how I never got to tell him that I loved him. If I lost him now I would be crushed and I would die inside. The next hour felt like days as I waited for word of his condition.
    Then I saw her. It was his wife, Karen. She came in with a friend. I wanted to punch her. I felt like the accident must have been her fault. Even if it wasn’t I wanted to blame her.  She didn’t look at me as she walked in, she didn’t know who I was. She walked past me and into the waiting room. She was crying and I felt guilt at her pain. Maybe she did love him and I was ruining it. I had so many feelings at the moment I felt like time was standing still and reality ceased to exist.
    Finally one of the doctors came out of the operating room with a look of defeat on his face. I held my breath and braced myself for the news.

CHAPTER 6 - The News
    I stared at the doctor as he walked out of the emergency room to tell us the news about Mark and his accident. My heart was in my stomach and I felt heavy pressure on me. Up until now everything seemed to be very black and white, and now it was complex and heavy with emotion. The last month had been a whirlwind of experiences and torment. I had crossed the friend line with one of my best friends, Dr. Mark Waters. He was my dearest friend, but lately we had more chemistry between us than ever before. Then it escalated and finally exploded when we went to a conference together in Savannah. We did something that we should not have, we were intimate and had sex.
    Deep down I was happy and relieved to have that experience with him because I did love him. However, Mark has a wife and although they’ve had a rocky relationship, she is in fact his wife. It made me feel guilty beyond belief, even though I knew that his wife did not deserve him. She
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