A Part of Me

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Book: A Part of Me Read Online Free PDF
Author: Taryn Plendl
Dr. Conner was one of the hospital psychologists. He was in his mid-thirties and very nice.  We worked with him several times during situations with patients in the ER.  I really needed to get some insight from him regarding Tom.  I was so out of my comfort level with all of this.
    “Come in Talia.  What can I help with?”  He smiled and I instantly felt good about my decision to seek his counsel.
    I sat down and told him all about Tom and the accident.  I left nothing out and was surprised to find myself wiping tears away by the time I was finished.  I don’t think I really realized how much it all had taken a toll on me until I laid it all out.
    “Well Talia, I admire your decision to help in this situation.  You know the stages of the grieving process right?”  He asked.  I certainly knew them, both in my own life when I lost my brother, with what I had learned in nursing school and with my patients.  I told him just that.
    “Well, people who have lost a limb, especially in a traumatic way, tend to go through the same type of stages of grief. This may manifest in denial, anger, depression and so on. In addition to that, it is not unusual to have phantom pain or sensation where the leg used to be.”  I nodded.  I wasn’t sure if that is what caused Tom to fall today or not, but it might explain it.  Dr. Conner told me to contact him if I needed to as I stood to leave.
    I thanked Dr. Conner and headed back to my apartment to pick up some things before returning to Tom’s.
    I walked through the door and dropped my bag. I was pleasantly surprised to see Tom sitting in the recliner. All eyes were on me as I made my way across the room.
    “Everything okay?”  Ava asked raising her eyebrows.
    “Yes.”  I smiled and took a seat next to her. 
    “We were just talking with Tom about how we could be here to help him.”  Trevor offered, bringing me up to date with the conversation.
    “I don’t think it will be a problem.  My schedule has opened up completely and I’m staying here.”  I said, giggling at the shocked looks before settling on Tom’s mad face.

    Chapter 6
    “The hell you are!”  I shouted louder than I meant to.  Everyone turned and looked at me with the same shocked expression and Talia recoiled, almost like she’d been hit.  Shit.  I’m an ass!
    “Wow, and the asshole award goes to…”  Nick said as he shook his head at me.
    “Talia, I’m sorry.  That came out wrong.  I don’t want you to stop your life to stay here with me, that’s all.”  I closed my eyes, trying to get myself together.  The thought of having her here with me sent so many emotions through my head and my body.  I wanted her here, God knows I did, but I didn’t want to be a burden.  I couldn’t let her do this.
    “Can I have a minute with Tom please?”  Talia asked everyone.  If the tension wasn’t so thick in the room, I would have laughed at how quickly they all jumped up, scattering like roaches when the light comes on. 
    “We’ll go pick up a pizza.”  Trevor said as he ushered Ava and Nick out the door, leaving Talia and I alone.
    I watched as she stood up and came over to me, kneeling next to my chair and leaning her arms on the arm of the chair. I couldn’t help but close my eyes and bathe my senses in her sweet smell—a cross between raspberries and vanilla.
    “Tom, a couple of weeks ago I went to work just like every other day.  I ran a trauma like I do all the time, but my patient was in pretty bad shape.”  She paused, taking a deep breath.  “It didn’t look good, and I wouldn’t have been surprised if he didn’t make it.  We got him to the OR before I ever heard his name.  That man was you Tom.”  Her breathing was choppy and when I finally looked at her, I realized she was crying.
    “Shit Talia, don’t cry.”  I pleaded, grabbing her hand.
    “Tom, I thought I lost you.  I was so scared because in the short time that I’ve
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