that changed everything forever.
The next night at the hospital I was working the same shift as Mark. I had tried hard to switch with someone but no one wanted the late night shift ever. So I had to do it.
We had said very little to each other in the last few weeks. It was just too awkward after the sexual encounter we had and the bar incident. Since then I would catch him staring at me at work and I could feel my skin burning under his gaze. It was the hardest thing to do to act like I felt nothing when he looked at me. But I did. I felt it now more than ever. The possessiveness that he had shown at the bar made me angry with him, but it made me angry with myself because it gave me hope. If he was jealous of me with another man then he must have real feelings for me. Or so that’s what I told myself. Still, it infuriated me that he was going to bed every night with his wife and I was going to bed alone. That felt very unfair. I wanted to find someone that could take the place of Mark in my heart. I could not go on like this forever.
I was walking down the corridor of the hospital at around 4 a.m. It was fairly empty and I was doing my rounds. I saw him round the corner and I quickly ducked into the prescription closet. I was sure that he had not seen me. I was deep in thought when suddenly the door opened and Mark came in and closed it behind him. He looked at me and said nothing. I knew the look on his face. I had seen it before when he was inside of me.
“Mark, what are you doing…”
I couldn’t finish my sentence. He was already on me. His soft lips pressed against mine and he kissed me passionately and with such longing. I felt dizzy from being caught off guard and from feeling breathless. I moaned into his mouth and felt a few moments of complete joy. His strong hands ran down my back and my whole body broke out in goose bumps. My body relaxed against his and I involuntarily moaned. My arms went up around his neck and I pushed my fingers into his hair. I wanted him again and my body was betraying me. I wanted to be mad at him, not responding to him.
Then he pulled away from me and stared at me again. I cocked my head to the side not knowing what he was doing. Then he opened the door and vanished into the hall. I leaned against the wall and felt emotionally exhausted. What the hell was that? It was obvious we had feelings for each other but why was he stealing kisses in the middle of the night? I wanted to chase after him and give him a piece of my mind. I wanted him to explain himself, but I already knew the answers, because I knew him. I knew him better than he knew himself. He was conflicted and he was a good man that felt the need to work through his marriage because he had made those vows. I loved and hated that about him. After a few minutes, I went back to my work. I needed to focus hard on my work so as not to think of Mark kissing me. I wanted him. I wanted him badly.
Two hours later, I felt safe walking the halls again. I knew that Mark’s shift had ended an hour earlier so I felt at ease. I left that morning not knowing where we stood. Why did he keep coming on to me in unguarded moments? We needed to have a talk. I was not looking forward to that talk but it needed to happen. Either we needed to go back to being just friends and trying hard to keep to that, or we needed to be away from each other because when we were together we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. He was married and what we were doing behind his wife’s back was very wrong and it made me feel awful. I did not want to be the other woman.
Over the next week, I did not see him at work at all. Now I was trying to run into him because I wanted to set a time where we could talk. However, now it felt like he was avoiding me. It was funny and ironic how that turned out. First I was avoiding him so that I wouldn’t want him and now he was avoiding me so he wouldn’t want me. He had no idea that I needed to talk to him.