traveling by common stage. “Best take a seat and eat, sir. The coachman won’t wait for anyone. I suspect he’d even leave the likes of Prinny to keep to his schedule.”
A tall man at the opposite end of the table added, “ ‘Tis fortunate the prince don’t travel by stagecoach or they’d have to leave half the passengers behind to accommodate a man of his girth.”
A murmur of laughter went round the table, for while none had ever personally seen the Prince of Wales, caricatures of the stout regent abounded.
The earl never took his eyes from Angelica as he said, “My good man, you had best have a care about mentioning the royal gentleman’s size. Even the illustrious Brummell lost favor for commenting on such.”
Like the others at the table, Angelica turned to observe the visitor. As recognition dawned, a radiant smile lit her face and she rose.
The tall man failed to note Richard’s attention was engaged elsewhere and responded to the newcomer’s banter. “Aye, but I’d never be reckless enough to say it to his face as I hear the Beau did.”
Richard experienced a sudden tightening in his chest at the welcoming expression on Angel’s beautiful face. It touched him far more than the most alluring smile ever sent his way in London. She was genuinely happy to see him. But as he stood mesmerized by her, he realized he could no longer think of her as a little hoyden racing over the countryside. The plain but engaging child was gone, replaced by a woman of extraordinary beauty and appeal--this wasn’t his little Angel, this was Miss Angelica Markham. She was an intriguing and desirable woman. Just the sort to engage his interest. A strong yearning to see that sleek black hair spilled across a pillow filled him.
“Rich--Lord Blackstone, how delightful to see you again after all these years.” Then a slight frown touched her brow as his presence suddenly seemed suspicious to her. “Why are you here?”
The room had grown quiet. All the travelers seemed interested in hearing the answer to Angelica’s question.
Richard stepped forward and lowered his voice even as he took note of her temptingly curved pink lips. “I have come for you. Perhaps you would accompany me to a place where we might converse in private. I believe the innkeeper will provide such a room.”
Angelica’s back went rigid as the earl’s hand closed on her elbow, but her curiosity won out and she didn’t resist as he led her from the room. She’d been so glad to see him until reason told her he wasn’t there by coincidence.
She allowed him to lead her a short distance into the hall; then she halted, refusing to go any farther with the man who’d come to bring her home.
“I won’t go back, Richard.”
“Oh, but you will, my dear. I haven’t come all this way to return empty-handed.”
He crossed his arms over his broad chest and leaned back against the wall, his mouth quirking in the slightest suggestion of a confident smile. His eyes swept her up and down with a look which made Angelica’s heart hammer.
It was clear by that look that he usually got what he wanted, especially with women. She tried to gather her thoughts.
“How could you agree to be a party to my stepbrother’s plans?”
“I know nothing of why you and Giles have quarreled, nor do I care. Your Miss Parks has requested--nay demanded--that I save you from your own impetuous nature. So here I am, your knight to the rescue.”
She was amazed at the change in him. He was taller and more athletically built than she remembered. His ruggedly handsome face had thinned and the features had become more angular, but it was the look in his amber eyes which struck her the most. Gone was the boyish eagerness and vulnerability she remembered. Instead she gazed up at a man who was everything rumor said--a cynical, jaded rake.
What had Harriet been thinking to send such a man after her?
“The armor is a bit tarnished of late,” she snapped.
“True, but all it