needs is a little polishing by the right lady.” The earl grinned at her in such a manner that her knees felt weak.
Turning away from him, she noted a plump maid who was eyeing Lord Blackstone with interest as she wiped a table in the taproom. Angelica looked back at Richard, gesturing toward the servant. “I believe we have just the lady for the task.”
Richard gave a soft laugh. “The rumors about me must be loathsome if you think I have stooped to romancing servants.”
“Romancing! Is that what you call what you have been doing over the past few years? I do believe they have another name for it.” Her violet-blue eyes glinted with outrage.
“Never mind what I have been engaged in over the years. Are you ready to leave?” Somehow Richard didn’t like the idea of Angelica knowing all the details of his London life.
The anger disappeared from her face, replaced by a look of determination. “I believe I told you that I am not going back with you.” Angelica turned as if to leave him.
Annoyed with her continued defiance, the earl reached out and grabbed her arm, liking her softness despite his best intentions. “I swore to return you to Mrs. Parks. You are going, if I have to carry you to my curricle.”
Richard and Angelica were so engaged in their dispute that neither was aware of Mrs. Greenleaf, Paul, the reverend and Mr. Morris standing a few feet away and observing the growing argument.
The vicar cleared his throat. “Mrs. Ansley, is there a problem?”
Giving them his haughtiest look, Richard allowed his hand to drop from Angelica’s arm. “I am the Earl of Blackstone and this is a private matter, sir.”
Angelica suddenly realized she would need assistance to prevent Richard from forcing her into his carriage. She would have to invent some tale, or they would succumb to the power of Richard’s title. She moved toward them, her hands extended to the Reverend Mr. Firth. “Sir, I need your help.”
Grey brows arched, the vicar eyed his lordship warily.
“What can I do, Mrs. Ansley?”
“Who the devil is Mrs. Ansley, sir? You are addressing Miss Markham.” Richard found the situation had suddenly gotten out of hand. Angelica shot him a cunning look that suddenly made him wary.
“Reverend, his lordship is determined to spirit me away to Gretna Green and force a marriage upon me.”
Forgetting himself, Richard barked, “Angel.”
“I say, my lord,” the vicar sputtered, “I am uncertain what is happening here, but you cannot think we shall stand by and allow you to take Mrs. Ansley-er, Miss Markham against her will.”
Mr. Morris nervously eyed the earl. “I shall. None of my business. He can do as he likes.”
Mrs. Greenleaf stepped around Angelica, tugging Paul with her, and gazed at the earl with interest, thinking him a handsome young sprig. “I believe there is much ‘ere we don’t know about what is ‘appening. Why, for instance, do you call ‘er Miss Markham when she introduced ‘erself as Mrs. Ansley in the coach?”
Richard, who’d been stunned by Angelica’s prevarication, swept the farmer’s wife a bow, then gave her his most engaging smile. “Ah, I would say you are a lady of great intelligence, madam.”
“Don’t try charmin’ me, sir. I was born at night, but not last night. I don’t know much about anything, but I’ve raised five boys and four girls. Experience ‘as taught me to question ‘alf of what I see and most of what I ‘ear.”
With a wicked grin at Angelica, Richard turned his attention on Mrs. Greenleaf. So, little Angel wanted to play games--well, he would give her a taste of her own medicine. “Very wise, madam. Have no doubt that you have just heard a great farrago of nonsense from the young lady. Miss Markham, for that is her true name, is my ward.This is the fourth time she has run away from school. I suspect she is going to meet her dancing master in Gretna.”
Angelica stamped her foot. “That is the greatest hummer, sir. You
Carol Durand, Summer Prescott
Stella Price, Audra Price, S.A. Price, Audra