The Lariat (Finding Justus Series)

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Book: The Lariat (Finding Justus Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ashley Dotson
today?” she said, glancing over us to the wet mess and strong smell emanating from the wall behind us.
    Cyrus waited a few minutes to inform the class of Dr. Gaines’ leave of absence for the remainder of the semester. He explained the coursework would be turned in online, Dr. Gaines could still be reached after her husband’s surgery next week, but until then they could rely on him. He passed out a sheet of paper to everyone with his contact information.
    “Dr. Williams, are you going to be available to advise us on our thesis?” one worried student asked. “Many of us just lost all of our work yesterday when our computers… malfunctioned.”
    Many looked to me, condemning me with those glares, thinking I was at the heart of yet another problem plaguing them. I hadn’t thought about rewriting my thesis. I would have to do that again too.
    “Then I gather you should spend the rest of today and this week recreating what was lost.” Cyrus warned the group. “You are not the first grad students to lose their work due to computer problems. The due dates stand. And yes, you may consult with me on any questions you have regarding your thesis. My concentration is not British Literature like this group, but I do have extensive knowledge on the subject as well as literature from various cultures.”
    “Well what are you a doctor of?” Abigail crossed her arms, her rudeness barely veiled.
    Cyrus smiled a little too politely, “I hold two doctorate degrees in Archeology and Anthropology. Please do not let my appearance or age fool you into thinking I am without the proper expertise. Dr. Gaines is a friend of mine and I am filling in currently because my courses do not technically begin until the first summer session.”
    The small class looked at him, mouths agape at his accomplishments. He didn’t look old enough to have one doctorate degree let alone two. Some students in the group were significantly older than he, or so they believed.
    If they only knew.
    “If there are no more questions then you are excused.”
    With that he grabbed my back pack and turned to me sheepishly, “Now that class is taken care of, on to my other urgent matter- finding good coffee.”
    I matched his joviality with equal amounts of gloom. He just cancelled class and might as well have handcuffed me to his side. I wasn’t quite sure if I minded being bound to him but I was surely going to make him buy me coffee, since he smashed my bottle of vodka.
    “Follow me, Dr. Williams.” I mumbled.

    “What kind of college professor owns a Mercedes Benz G-class?” I scoffed and ran my hand along the hood of the extravagant white tank-like SUV.
    He just smiled and opened the door for me.
    “This car costs more than my college education,” I scoffed.
    Now it was his turn to scoff, “You have two degrees from Trinity University. I don’t think so. Your education far surpasses the value of my car.”
    I wouldn’t call myself a car person, but right then, I definitely wanted a car. A statement, some sort of accessory that defined me, like this sophisticated tank defined Cyrus. I still remember the first time I saw Orrin parked down my street in his sleek, black Audi. And again in his life as Heath he drove an old beat up pick-up truck.
    How could two totally different vehicles fit the same person so perfectly?
    I couldn’t help but miss him. He was a gaping hole within me, a pulsing pain, never healing. I just had to hold onto the hope that one day that piece would be returned to me, or I could learn to live with the pain. Admittedly I hadn’t been doing much of that lately. I had been hiding in liquor bottles.
    I made a mental note to check my finances and see about finally getting my own set of wheels. I would definitely have to stop spending so much of my pay check on liquor and pick up some extra shifts…or get a real job.
    “You’ll have to get a new license first,” Cyrus interrupted my train of thought
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