The Blind Vampire Hunter
Jose and, feeling full of moral fortitude, grabbed a handful of the
back of his shirt and pulled him off Betty. With rapist and victim
separated, I stepped in between them. While I just stood there
quietly daring Jose to make a move, Betty stood behind me, just
    Three girls jumped into action. While two of
them got Betty back into her seat, the third grabbed up Betty’s
vest and the three girls went about redressing Betty while trying
to calm her down. They were failing. As Betty continued crying, the
girls got her clothes back on her. Meanwhile I just stood there
feeling full of holy righteousness, waiting for Jose to make the
wrong move, any move, and they would be cleaning him off the walls
and ceiling.
    The very mouthy Jose just stood there staring
back at me, too wary to even say a word. I guess he was not totally
stupid (just sounded totally stupid a lot).
    The teacher finally walked in and ordered,
“To your seats, everyone.”
    As “everyone” obeyed, she marched back behind
her desk, slammed the book in her hand down onto the prodigal book
and announced in her best demigod voice, “Nothing happened. I was
not here so nothing happened,” and that was the last of that—I
wish. (But that’s another story.)
    While in high school, I had one girlfriend
that lasted one date. Christina and I not only went to the same
high school, but also attended the same church. I turned a youth
church outing into a date for the two of us. First, we went with
the group to a Rock-n-Roll Christian band concert, and then we
ordered pizza at the neighborhood Pizza Pub.
    After placing our order at the register and
getting our dinner number, Christina followed my lead to separate
from the rest of the group for our date. It was just my luck that
two young under-aged drunks took a shine to Christina and followed
us. After we found a seat and the drunks tried to join us, I
politely asked the two to leave, “We like it right here, don’t we
    So we tried to move back within the safety of
the group with whom we had arrived, but there were no seats
anywhere near them, so we sat where we could, and the drunks
    At a new table, I sat down across from my
lovely date to enjoy her beauty and the two drunks moved in, one
standing on either side of her. The mouthier of the two set his
pitcher of beer and his mug down on the table between us. Following
this, he placed his mouth close to Christina’s ear and, between her
eyes widening and his hand holding his crotch, I could guess what
he asked her.
    In one fluid movement, I shot out of my seat
and planted an uppercut that sent the mouthy drunk backward so hard
that he landed on top of some family’s dinner, on their table. I
quickly picked up the half-empty pitcher of beer and flung the
contents at Bill the Drunk. I then changed the position of the now
empty pitcher of beer so that the side of the pitcher could rudely
smack Bill the Drunk up-side his face. I stopped when his hands,
one with his beer in it, went up in the universal sign of
    This conflict brought every male employee in
the pub into action. The one I assumed to be the manager ordered
some of his employees to throw the drunks out, and then he turned
to us. “What happened here?” he demanded.
    I told him and while doing so, I observed and
overheard what was most likely the assistant manager apologizing to
the family for the drunk falling onto their table. He assured them
that they would receive a new pizza, without a drunk topping. When
I finished telling the manager what happened, he got huffy and
ordered, “Finish your meal and leave.”
    “I beg your pardon.” Now it was my turn to
get huffy. “Who do you think you’re talking to? We were just
unpleasantly confronted by two under-aged drunks in your establishment. Tell me, sir , who sold them their beers? You
or I? Who do you think you’re giving attitude to?” Looking a bit
shocked, he just walked away. Coming home on her first
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