The Lariat (Finding Justus Series)

The Lariat (Finding Justus Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Lariat (Finding Justus Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ashley Dotson
you’re some great benefactor. What do you really want?”
    My question went unanswered. Instead he paused, finding the right words, “Sometimes it takes someone outside of your friends and family to help where they cannot.”
    He thought I was broken, and I was, but I didn’t want help from him. Orrin had done just that years before when I lived in Providence with only my father. He was a stranger just like Cyrus. I couldn’t talk to my father or Bennet about my birthright. It was only when Orrin showed up, full of anger and self-righteousness, was I able to get it through my thick skull that I wasn’t losing my mind, I really did have unique daemonic powers gifted to me by Lillith at my birth.
    Whether I accepted it or not, I was a Vulgar- part human, daemon and angel. The fate of the world was entwined with my own. I couldn’t have held onto my sanity with Orrin Darringer.
    Uncomfortable with his piercing blue eyes, I looked away.
    He has blue eyes.
    Blue eyes, like Orrin.
    I turned to take a seat in the cavernous lecture hall as far from Cyrus as possible when I heard, “Have coffee with me. It’s important.”
    It wasn’t a question but a command.
    Coffee. The Coffee Shack. The blood. The Vagabond. Did he do that?
    I saw the realization hit him as it was hitting me. I could feel him pulling the thoughts from my head. Before I even decided if I wanted to tell him about the Vagabond’s message, he already knew.
    “You think I am that devious?” He asked looking wounded. “But you’re right to think it wasn’t an accident. Someone dangerous is playing with you, Layla.”
    “I’m a big girl, Cyrus.”
    He came to tower over me once more and I stopped breathing. I tried not to think. I tried so hard, but by trying not to think the only thing I did was project my thoughts even louder. And at that moment, I really wanted him to kiss me.
    He stared down at me. He didn’t need to read my thoughts to know. I could read his body as easily as he was reading mine. And at that moment he wanted to kiss me too.
    I could hear his heart was racing with mine. His hand shook a little as he raised it. He touched only my shoulder, but I could feel the heat of his hands through my shirt. He slipped his fingers farther down to my elbow and farther around my back. Was he removing my backpack? I was in trouble.
    If he tries to attack, I can take him.
    “You’re not that big, and you’re not old enough to take me on,” he whispered, moving impossibly closer.
    My body warred with my brain as I tilted my head back preparing for him to make his move when he brought my backpack in between us. He swiftly reached in and pulled out my recently purchased glass bottle of vodka I had been carrying just in case.
    “And you’re sure as hell done hiding inside this .”
    I was too stunned to catch him in time. Cyrus threw the full bottle against the wall. The glass smashed, the liquor danced down the wall and colored the carpet.
    “What the hell,” I yelled taken aback. I went to the pool of liquid knowing I would have to clean it up. The class would be filtering through the door any moment.
    “Leave it,” Cyrus grumbled, “I need your help.”
    I let out a few unladylike words and turned back to him. “I knew you were going to say that.”
    He knew exactly what to say to make me beholden to him. I was compelled to help him after that. Whatever service he required, that was within my power, I had to give. I turned, giving him my full scowl.
    “What?” I seethed.
    “I want, no I need your help.” His voice was light and he was smiling again enjoying where his words were taking me. “My favorite coffee place is closed for a while and I don’t know where else to go.”
    “We have class,” I countered.
    He raised his hands like a comical magician, “And now don’t. Voila. ”
    “Fine,” I turned to see Abigail and a few other grad students making their way in to the lecture hall.
    “Did I hear you say we don’t have class
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