The Inheritance: Anything He Craves
pieces of the puzzle fell into place. It
was all a game and he'd won a grand slam victory over her. He used
her and she couldn't have stopped her reaction to the realization
if she wanted to. "You son-of-a-bitch!" Her hand lashed out and the
palm connected with his jaw, making a loud slapping sound. She
moved so quickly Logan blinked with a shocked look on his face, as
if he couldn't believe what had just happened.
    As soon as she
slapped him regret overtook her. As much as he deserved the slap,
she knew that that could be the one thing that sent him packing.
Panic threatened to take over, but she pushed it back down. She
couldn't let him see that she was vulnerable. If he was going to
leave, he would regardless of what she did or said now, she knew
this. She was determined to hold on to the last sliver of dignity
she had. Once she had her skirt adjusted properly she squared her
shoulders and met his gaze.
expression became unreadable as he held her gaze.
    "So does this
mean you've gotten what you came for and leaving now?"
    The muscles in
his square jaw tightened as he kept her gaze and then he slowly
shook his head, the smug smirk returning on his lips. "Nah, I think
I'll stick around a bit longer."
    Reaching over
to her, he brushed a stray lock of hair from her eye and tucked it
behind her ear. The simple gesture made her want to sigh, but she
restrained herself. She hated him, but hated that she wanted him
even more, despite his arrogance.
another word to Angelica, Logan bent down snatched her panties from
the floor, turned and walked away from her. She watched as he
thrust her panties into his jacket pocket and casually strolled
down the darkened corridor and out the back exit, not even pausing
to look back to see if she was watching him.

    Logan was
absent-mindedly flipping through the television channels while
periodically glancing down at his watch and noting the time as he
waited for Angelica to arrive home. It was now nearly 4am and she
still had not shown up. He hated to admit it, but he was getting
slightly concerned. But who was he to be concerned or interested in
her whereabouts? He barely knew her. She was the spoiled,
self-indulgent daughter of Richard Lawson, who he'd spent the
majority of his life hating and envying - that's what he knew of
her. So why would he care?
    "I don't,"
Logan grumbled softly as he pressed the power off button on the
remote just as he heard a car tear up in the driveway, tires
squealing. He quickly made his way across the living room and
peered out the window and watched in both horror and amusement as
Angelica swerved her car, missed the massive marble fountain and
then proceeded to drive up onto the lawn and come to an abrupt halt
in the middle of a rose bed, after running down a couple of ceramic
garden gnomes.
Rushing from his position at the window Logan raced from the living
room into the foyer and out the front door not bothering to close
it behind him. By the time he'd made it to the car, she had already
managed to open the door and stumble out. "What in the hell do you
think you're doing?"
    Grabbing her
arm he yanked her roughly to her feet. "Are you trying to get
yourself killed? Or someone else?" Pushing her aside, but still
holding onto her arm to help support her, he closed the car
    "Ouch! You're
hurting me!" Angelica attempted to pull her arm from his grasp and
    "Damn it
Angel!" Logan growled though clenched teeth as he slipped an arm
around her waist to further steady her.
    Tilting her
face up, her blue eyes peered into his. "I kn-know why you're
    Taking in a
deep breath, Logan slowly exhaled. "I'm here because you tracked me
down and begged me to come." Raising a accusing brow at her he
added, "Remember?"
    Angelica shook
her head, her hair fanning out around her head and then glared up
at him. "No. No, you're here to p-p-punish me because of dad."
Placing her palms
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