The One For Me

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Book: The One For Me Read Online Free PDF
Author: Layla James
about each other in a long time, Katy. It has nothing to do with you, it’s us. We’ve grown apart--,”
    “Shut up!” I yell, my fist hitting the table. “This is stupid. I don’t’ want to hear anymore of it. I want to go to sleep. Farewell, Dad. Have a nice life in Florida. Find you a nice beach bunny to screw this time!”
    “Katy!” Dad yells, but I run upstairs and lock my door. I don’t get up when I hear my mom’s light taps against my door; I lay there until I fall asleep. My mind is racing and everything’s seems to have gone to hell quick.
    I just hope school is better.
    Chapter Three
    “That’s her,” I hear a whisper from behind me. I turn and look at two girls a few lockers down. Their heads are close together, whispering to one another. They look like geeky freshman and I want to remind them that I’m a senior, but with the rumor mill churning, that doesn’t matter much. They both look the other way and pretend to look in their lockers.
    This is how it’s been all morning. I’ve past so many people that stop and stare, giggle or make rude comments. I feel like a witch in Salem. Everyone is preparing my execution. What the hell.
    “Good news or bad news?” Jennifer, asks, her eyes wide.
    I look over at her and frown. Not only because the sweater vest she has on is hideous but I’m not sure if I want any more news for a while.
    “Okay, good news is that Hayden knows the rumors. Bad news, there are rumors,” she says, rubbing my shoulder.
    I slam my head against the locker door and close my eyes. “Why is t his happening? It was just a freaking kiss,” I say.
    “I thought it was more than a kiss, sweetheart,” Liam says, leaning against the locker beside me. “It was pretty magical, with you just trying to make your ex jealous and all. You’re a natural romantic, Katy.”
    “Shut up,” I whisper and glare at him. “You’re the reason this is happening in the first place. If y ou would have just come to the l ibrary like I asked, this wouldn’t have happened. We could just be having a normal day at school, but no, I’m the new class whore. ”
    Liam leans in closer to me, his breath so close to mine. “I didn’t kiss you, sweetheart. You kissed me.” His lips are just as soft looking as they felt. He shrugs. “And plus, who says it wouldn’t have happened at the l ibrary. I hear lots of people get in on in there. T here are so many rows of books. Shady places, hiding spots, soft bean bags.”
    I open my mouth but I hear, “Katy,” I pull away from Liam. Hayden is standing in front of me, his eyes examining the situation between Liam and me. He clears his throat. “Can I talk to you really quick?”
    I bite my lip and nod my head. “Yeah…um…sure.”
    Liam laughs a small laugh and wraps his arm around my shoulder. “See ya later, sweetheart.” I pull away from him and avoid his grey eyes that are beaming at me.
    I follow in step with Hayden and he steps into the back hallway no one uses anymore. Once the school built the new classrooms that are technologically advanced, they pushed the old ones to the side for storage. My heart thuds an extra beat. We used to come back here to make out and skip class. Now I’m sure he does that with Holly.
    We stop by an empty classroom and he glares down at me. His green eyes look dark and stormy. “What the hell is going on, Katy? What is up with you and that…Liam guy,” he says, disgusted.
    I shrug my shoulders and play with the end of my hair. “What’s it to you,” I whisper.
    He laughs. “Absolutely nothing, Katy. But people are talkin g. They’re saying you’re nasty.
    Do you know what that looks like for me? That I dated someone like that for the last year?”
    My mouth drops open. He isn’t asking because he is jealous or concerned. He is worried about himself! I want to hit him in his handsomely perfect
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