The Inheritance: Anything He Craves
him silently as he entered into her bedroom with the same
self-satisfied smirk on his lips that he had before leaving her at
the club the night before.
    Bastard .
    "What do you
want Logan?" Her eyes narrowed at him suspiciously.
    "Well, aren't
we in a foul mood." He gave the bottle of aspirin in his hand a
shake and then nodded towards the glass of water in his hand.
    Her suspicion
rose. Did something happen after he left the club? When she got
home? Her head was hurting so bad simply trying to remember the
events preceding his departure and her decision to get herself nice
and wasted. No, it couldn't have. He was messing with her - setting
her up for some additional embarrassment. Either that or just
wanted to take pleasure in her discomfort. Sadist
asshole .
    Squaring her
shoulders, she held his gaze. Her body warmed at the sight of him
and the intensity in his green eyes. Her body's reaction to him
only fuelled the resentment within. "I'm just fine," she snapped
    "Don't look just fine to me." Opening up the bottle he shook a couple
aspirin into his palm and passed them to her. With hesitation she
accepted the pills and popped them into her mouth, chasing them
with the water he also passed her.
    "What do you
want Logan?" she repeated.
    Crossing his
arms over his chest he shrugged and then grinned down at her. "Just
thought you could use a hand. You certainly needed one last
    Anger flared
up within her. "You're here to gloat? That it?"
    "I'm here to
    "Like you
helped last night by fucking me and then taking off, like I was
some cheap bar fuck!"
    Logan's smile
faded and his features seemed to darken and his voice rose several
octaves. "Better me than that fuckwad you were dancing with.
At least you knew my name."
    "You’re such
an asshole!" Grabbing a pillow beside her, she gathered all the
strength she could muster and chucked it at him. It hit his chest
and then bounced back onto the bed at her feet. "Get out!" she
bellowed, the sound of her voice ringing through her head. "Get
    He hesitated
and then let out a loud huff. "Fine. But just so you know, you car
is still on the front lawn. You left it there after running down a
number of the garden gnomes and God only knows what else on your
way back here last night."
gnomes? Angelica watched Logan storm out of the room and slam
the door behind him. Crawling out of bed she padded barefoot across
her bedroom and peered out her widow that overlooked the front
drive and groaned. Sure enough, her car had been driven up over the
curb and onto the lawn, currently sitting in a bed of her mother's
prized rose bushes with the driver's side tire crushing the head of
a ceramic gnome.
quickly showered and pulled her wet hair into a ponytail. She then
slipped into a pair of jogging pants, camisole and sneakers, not
bothering with undergarments. She rushed downstairs, grabbing her
car keys from the key holder next to the front door on the way. "Ah
hell no." Frowning, Angelica looked down at where she'd been sick
the previous night next to the car in disgust and parts of the
night began to rush back to her.
    Flashes of her
getting angry at the club and deciding to drown her sorrows in way
too much rum came to mind. Followed by the extremely unwise
drunkin' decision to drive home to confront Logan. Her stumbling
from the car and vomiting. His cleaning her up once she finished
being sick and holding her as she sobbed next to the car. He'd
carried her upstairs and helped her out of her clothing and into
unsoiled ones. She'd begged him to stay with her and he did,
holding her tight until she drifted off to sleep feeling more
secure than she had since her father's death. While the memories
came back in bits and pieces, it was enough for her to regret the
way she'd reacted to him that morning.
    There was more
or Logan Sinclair than he let on, she was convinced of it. She
needed to know more.
    "What are you
doing?" The sound of
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