The Inheritance: Anything He Craves
against his chest, she attempted to push herself
away from him, but the combination of alcohol and his overpowering
strength made her attempt to break free of his hold impossible.
    Logan opened
his mouth to deny her accusation, but then snapped it shut. She was
partially right, sure. But she was getting what she wanted. He
didn't go to her , she had gone to him dammit. "Don't
worry, in a month I'll be gone and you'll be living like a princess
like you always have."
    "Let go!" she
once again attempted to squirm free, her breasts brushing up
against his chest and igniting his arousal.
    "No," Logan
replied, pinning her up against the vehicle. "Not until we get this
straightened out."
    "Don't you get
it!" she spat tears forming at the corners of her blue eyes as they
met his. "It's never gonna be the same!"
    Logan huffed,
but his resolve faltered at the sight of the unshed tears. "Sure it
will. You'll have this huge house. Money. You can go out every
night and party with your little trust fund girlfriends spending
the old man's cash. You'll have everything your little heart
    "But they're
gone... They'll all gone!" she wailed as she stopped fighting him
and fell into his arms the dam breaking and the tears flowing as
sobs rocked through her body. "And I'm alone."
    Aw, damn
it! Pulling her close Logan stroked her hair and the smell of
her peach scented shampoo drifting up to greet him. He was so
wrapped up in his own need for revenge and punishment that the fact
that she'd lost both her parents in the matter of a couple years
and had no immediate family had slipped his mind. He knew her Uncle
Clayton well enough to know Clayton wouldn't be around much for his
niece. He really hadn't considered how alone she may have been
feeling through all this or caring to consider it for that
    "I'm alone
Logan," she murmured as she clung to him, her tears quickly
saturating the front of his black t-shirt.
    Damn, damn,
damn . Comforting people was not Logan's area of expertise and
was extremely uncomfortable for him. His adoptive mother, while she
had been a good woman that he knew had loved him as much as she
would have her own flesh and blood, was never an emotional woman or
physically affectionate. He took on those traits. After her death,
people displaying deep emotions had become nearly unbearable to
    "You know
Angelica pulled away from him quickly, giving him a shove that was
so unexpected and contained enough strength that he stumbled
backwards. Seconds later her body was overtaken by a series of
convulsions as she became sick in front of him; unloading the
contents of her stomach on the grass at his feet.
    "Oh fuck me,"
Logan groaned as he stepped up behind her, fisted her long blonde
hair and gently pulled it out of her face as she continued to be
sick, gasping and sobbing between convulsions. As much as he fought
it, his anger and resentment for her was crumbling.
    "I'm so
sorry," she managed to sob between bouts of sickness.
    "It's okay.
Everything is going to be alright Angel. I'm here."
    Angelica awoke
feeling worse than she'd felt for a long time. Her head was
throbbing, her body ached and memories of what she'd done with
Logan at the club and how he'd just left her once he was finished
as if she was some whore he'd picked up came flashing back to her.
She cringed. She'd drunk a lot. Too much. More than she'd drank
since her prom night when she'd vomited in the car of her prom
date, Bobby Hansen, and then passed out in the hotel room after
    "How did I get
home?" she murmured, as she ran a shaky hand through her mussed
hair. Sitting up on her bed she noticed she had changed into an
oversized plain white t-shirt, no undergarments, just the t-shirt.
She frowned. "How did I get changed?"
    "About time
you woke up."
head snapped up at the sound of Logan's voice and she groaned as
the sudden motion sent a sharp pain racing across her forehead. She
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