The Game Has Changed

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Book: The Game Has Changed Read Online Free PDF
Author: D. L. Wu
Tags: Young Adult, adventure and romance
only thing she could think of to
    Evan's face lit up with both happiness and
amusement. He looked back at the quizzical fellow. “There you go,”
he said with a grin.
    The man shrugged and smiled and pointed to a
paper sitting upon the counter in front of him. “Sign here and I'll
need a card.”
    “Um . . . I'll pay cash,” Evan said as he
scrawled a pseudonym.
    The man nodded and accepted his payment. Evan
smirked with amusement as he accepted his room’s key and quickly
exited the office with Jaime in tow.
    “That was brilliant, by the way,” Evan praised
her as they walked along, hand in hand as they made their way
toward the diner nearby.
    “Thanks. And you signed the name Smith ?” she noted.
    “Now how do you know that's not my real name?”
he laughed.
    “I could probably bet my life on the fact that
it isn’t.”
    “Really now?”
    They sat across from one other as they slid
into one of the booths within the greasy spoon diner. Jaime noticed
Evan was looking at the menu with disgust and it seemed as if he
were trying to avoid touching it.
    “What's wrong?” Jaime asked and laughed at him
as she noticed his snooty attitude. “Not the five star restaurant
you're normally used to in your high and mighty England,
    “This isn't even what I'm used to at a Denny's
in Encino,” he replied with a scrunched nose.
    “California?” she wondered, intrigued. “Is that
where you live?”
    “Yeah. Malibu,” he answered vaguely as he
perused the dirty menu.
    “Wow, that's where lots of movie stars live,
right?” She was now sounding like a star-struck teenager and he
wasn't exactly relishing that idea either. “Are you famous? I mean,
you’re obviously rich and all since you were gonna buy my car, but
. . .”
    “Yeah,” he admitted with a smirk. “Pretty
famous. Been in lotsa films.”
    That wasn't a lie in the least
bit, he thought. Except he wasn't exactly an actor,
but rather a stunt double for very famous actors. He would take his
time in getting to know her. Perhaps he would feel comfortable
enough to tell her more about himself when the time
    “Seriously?” she retorted. “I don't believe
    “I don't really care if you believe me or
    The waitress approached their table. Evan had
to stifle a laugh. She was the very epitome of the type some
actresses were cast as when portraying small town waitresses with
her big hair, the chomping of her chewing gum, and the cute little
ruffled apron. Heck, she fit the whole bit completely.
    “What'll you have?” she prodded, popping her
chewing gum.
    “Um . . .” Evan smiled at Jaime. “What you are
having, my dearest?” he asked.
    She shot him an evil glance and ordered a
turkey sandwich and a Coke.
    “I'll have the same.” He smiled at the waitress
and then, just to irritate Jaime, he turned to the woman and said,
“When do you get off work?”
    The waitress's face lit up with a huge smile.
“Mmmm, I wish, Baby! You're gorgeous! And that accent . . . wow!
But sadly, I have a boyfriend.” She brazenly touched his shoulder
with a heavy jewelry-adorned hand.
    “Aww,” he said, playfully disappointed. “Well,
he better appreciate the beautiful woman he’s got.”
    “Oh, my God!” she squealed. “Yes, he had
better, for his sake!”
    Jaime stared at Evan with annoyance once the
waitress had left. “That was pretty rude.”
    “What?” Evan feigned wide-eyed innocence. “You
said it yourself that I flirt with every woman I come across. Just
living up to your expectations, Darlin'.”
    “Well, why should I even care?”
    “Do you?”
    “Absolutely not, so you don't have to bother
doing it anymore.”
    “I really don't mean to make you jealous,
    “I said I couldn't care less!”
    “But if that's the case, why can't I keep on
doing it?” He smirked.
    Jaime huffed aloud. “Actually, I wouldn't mind
if you went off with her. Gives me a great chance to
    “No worries, my Darlin'.
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