Tangled Dreams

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Book: Tangled Dreams Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jennifer Anderson
supper. It was a different meal, but the same procedure. We heard Gavin come in from the barn, but he went upstairs and never came back down. After supper, the twins went upstairs to their room to play with some dolls, and I helped Aunt Julia clear the table.
    “Madison dear. Could you take a plate up to Gavin? He hasn’t eaten all day, and has to be hungry.”
    “Julia are you alright?”
    “Yes honey. Well I guess I should probably inform you of what is going on.”
    “I’m sorry, but I already know. I over heard you and uncle William talking about it the other night when I came down for a shower.”
    “Oh. I’m so sorry you were subjected to that dear.”
    “It’s alright. I’m sorry you’re so upset.”
    “Oh, Madison. You are such a special girl. Worrying about me when you’ve been through so much.” Giving me a light kiss on the forehead.
    “Thank you Julia. I’ll take this up now.”
    “Thank you honey.” She turned around to the sink and let out a big sigh of relief. I imagine it was because she did not have to explain the situation to me.
    Going upstairs, I decided to just dump off his tray and get the heck out of there. He can spit his nastiness to someone else. I’m in no mood for it. I knocked on the door and impatiently walked in, tired of waiting.
    “Gavin, I have your food. Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I thought….well, never mind.” I stumbled awkwardly, unable to form a sentence.
    There he stood, with a pair of jeans on and nothing else. His chest was bare and still had water dripping down it from his wet hair. I definitely underestimated how built he really was. His muscles were well-defined, as well as his arms. His hair was all messed up and I realized for the first time that he had thick wavy hair.
    “Madison chill. I just got out of the shower. It’s no big deal.”
    I started to turn around embarrassed and absolutely mortified, when he grabbed me by the arm.
    “Madison, it’s no big deal. Can I have my food before you go running out though?”
    Looking down embarrassed, I realized that I was going to walk out without giving him his tray.
    “I’m sorry Gavin. Yes you can have your food.” I tried to ignore the fact he was half-naked and the tingling sensation and butterflies in my stomach when he touched me. I pulled away quickly and put his tray on his desk. When I turned around, he was smiling clearly amused by my embarrassment. I realized that I had never seen him smile before, and unfortunately it made him even more attractive.
    “What is it? Why are you smiling like that?”
    “Anyone ever told you how pretty you are when your nervous?”
    “No, and I don’t think it is very funny.” Really annoyed by this point.
    “Ah, lighten up.”
    “I will not lighten up. You have hardly said two words to me since I got here. And when you did, you have been very rude.” I was pleased to see that cocky smile wiped off of his face.
    “I’m sorry Madison. I shouldn’t have acted that way, and it was wrong of me.” Shocked that he actually apologized I felt like I had little choice but to forgive him.
    “Well alright. Whatever. It is over now. I’ll leave you to eat.” Walking towards the door I turned around to look at him again. “You know you should smile more, it suits you.” Then it was his turn to look nervous.
    Walking back into my bedroom I was shaking. I have had boys touch me before casually enough but I had never felt like that before. It felt like and electric current flowing through my body. I have to get that out of my mind, sitting on my bed to get my bearings. I’m not even staying that long. I just need to get along with everyone and not get attached. Although, I was pretty sure it was too late for the twins. I really would miss them.
    I had to of sat there at least an hour consumed in my thoughts. Thinking about how much I missed dad, how much my life has changed in a very short time since his passing. Looking at the clock it was barely
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