Let Me Be the One

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Book: Let Me Be the One Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lily Foster
your hands.”
    I could feel Tom’s eyes on me but I wasn’t going to turn around to look at him.  I couldn’t.  I was mad at him and mad at myself too.  How could I feel this hurt?  It was ridiculous.  There was nothing between us.  I was being ridiculous.
    Everyone else was at the table and fell into easy co nversation while Jenna and I were getting odds and ends from the kitchen.  “What are you waiting for, Tom? Dig in,” Ben sputtered between bites.
    I couldn ’t resist.  My common sense went out the window and the anger was burning me up.  I mean, he had all but ignored me yesterday after leading me on with the whispering-in-my-ear-nonsense the week before.  “Oh, I’m sure Tom’s got somewhere better to be.  He probably has one of his many babes cooking for him as we speak.” 
    All the chit-chat stopped.  T he room fell silent—so awkward.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw him lower his head, slowly turn around and leave.
    I felt like a witch. 
    And I couldn’t eat one bite of the damn lasagna. 
    Her words were like ice.  Did it look like I was into those girls on Saturday?  I didn’t think so.  I didn’t put a hand on anyone and I didn’t flirt.  I had wanted to go straight to her when I saw her at the party but I thought I should take things slower.   I did eventually go looking for Darcy but she had bailed. 
    Maybe s he wasn’t that interested in me?  No, I didn’t believe that for a second.  I felt her body react when I touched her.  I wasn’t imagining that.  And my temperature felt like it spiked anytime I saw her, let alone got to touch her. 
    Maybe I was taking it too slow.  Maybe I just had to put it out there.  No risk, no return.
    It wasn’t easy to find her during the week.  She wasn’t at lunch with her girls.  I had Dan scoping for me and she wasn’t at her place after dinner.  I trolled the library, no luck.  I ran into Jenna Thursday night and tried to be casual when I asked what “all of you girls” had been up to this week.  Jenna knew me pretty well and, unfortunately, could see right through me.  She shot right back, “When you say, ‘all of you girls’, I’m assuming you mean, what has Darcy been up to this week?”
    “You gonna make me beg, Jenna?”
    “No.  I just don’t want you jerking her around if you aren’t serious.  She had a terrible year and I know she’s still skittish about being back here.  You know I love you, Tom, but you don’t have the best track record.”
    “Thanks, Jenna.”
    I walked away, disgusted.  Really ? I was simultaneously mad at Jenna and mad at myself.  Had I really earned that poor of a reputation?  I had no intention of jerking Darcy around and I was going to prove it.
    Friday, we were having a party and I knew all of her friends would be coming, so I hoped she would be there.  She didn’t come in with Jenna.  I was watching the door and didn’t see her when Beth, Caitlyn, and Rene walked in either.  I had a sinking feeling, figured maybe she was avoiding me, when I checked my phone and it read twelve-thirty but just then I saw her in the kitchen talking to Mac, one of my teammates.
    I saw Nick out of the corner of my eye.  He was stan ding still, staring at them.  He downed his full beer and went for another.  In Mac’s defense it was loud but did he really need to put his lips on her ear every time he spoke to her?  I mean, he was practically tongue-fucking her ear.  It was bringing out that eerie, evil look in Nick’s eyes and it was getting on my nerves too.  I could see Darcy take a slight step back when he did that.  She was uncomfortable with how close he was.  Good.
    She walked off towards the bathroom when Mac ge stured that he was going for a refill for them both.  He had two full cups in his hands when Nick practically dove on him and started throwing punches.  Everyone within ten feet of them was doused in beer, girls were screaming, and fists
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