He tried not to narrow his eyes. “What kind of things to do?”
“I made him clean the bathroom with a toothbrush. Toilet and all. He did my dishes more than once. Oh, and I ordered him to wash my car a couple of times. He’s really good at that.”
David’s right eyelid twitched as he made another mental note. E and Ted would have to look into their favorite contractor’s play habits. If Joe were hitting up some of the other clients they’d recommended him to this way, there’d be hell to pay. It seemed the guy needed a real Domme to fill his needs. Lacy certainly wasn’t the woman for the job even if she and David didn’t have a thing , as she put it, because what she’d described was a day-laborer, not a sub.
“You’re not a Top.”
“He didn’t know that.”
Of course he did, which made it worse. Recalling the scene he’d walked into, he asked, “That wasn’t uncooked rice he was kneeling on, was it?”
“No. I didn’t have any.”
She looked away. Was she hoping he wouldn’t press her about this? Not going to happen. He was pressing. “What was it?”
“A perfectly good substitute.”
He straightened and dropped his voice, “Lacy.”
She made an impatient sound and then blurted, “Kitty litter.”
“Relax, it was clean. I keep a bag in case I have to bring home a patient. It’s good to throw in the snow at winter too.” When he remained silent she seemed to get flustered. After a few seconds she began to nervously knead her terry lapels. “Oh, come on, don’t stare at me like that. I looked it up on the internet and since I didn’t have rice I improvised. I thought it was a clever solution.”
David had heard enough. She was missing the point here so best he direct her to it. “You seem to have an abundance of clever solutions. I recall seeing the toothbrush idea in a movie once.” When her eyes widened in surprise he knew he’d nailed where she came up with that one. Standing, he shook out his coat before he took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
Ah, so she was finally taking due notice. “Here is what we are going to do. I’m going to leave you right now so you’ll have the afternoon to decide whether or not you want to pursue a relationship with me.”
“But w-we are already in a relationship.”
“I’m going to forget you said that.”
She looked completely baffled and he didn’t blame her. Lacy was used to flying under the radar. Playing bratty then cute to get around the people in her life, but all that was about to change. He figured she knew it when she whispered, “Why?”
“Because I wouldn’t think much of you after learning what you’ve been doing with Joe this past month and I want to think the world of you, so we’re starting over. My way.”
“This new start is going to be about choices. Your choices. Here’s your first one. If you want to commit to this relationship you’ll be ready when I send a car for you at 7pm tonight. You’ll have your bags packed with regular outfits and cocktail attire as well.”
“I don’t understand. Are you taking me to the airport in the morning so I can catch my flight?”
He walked to the door and stepped over the saw before he turned back to her. “No. My driver will bring you to me. And once he does you’ll have another choice to make so be prepared.”
She shook her head and frowned. “What about my trip?”
“The flight’s been cancelled. I’ll reimburse you for the cost of your fare.”
He turned to leave and she panicked. He could tell. She took two steps forward before she caught herself. Smart. Best she kept her distance from him for the moment at least. “Reimburse me? What about the belt? You can’t leave me stuck in it.”
“Oh, right, thank you for the reminder.”
“Awesome. I thought I was going to have to wear it all afternoon.”
He kept his eyes on her as he reached into his inside pocket. Pulling out the small booklet
Rebecca Alexander, Sascha Alper